Morning After

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Chapter Twenty-Three "Morning After"

Lyric woke with a long stretch and a loud yawn before melting back into the comfortable bed. Kieran let out his own yawn and rolled over, placing a naked leg over her bare ones. Last night had not gone how she had always planned it would. It was supposed to be more romantic than goofy. But it was still perfect as it was. She played with Kieran's hair, earning a low purr of approval, and smiled. Muscles ached that she didn't know existed; mainly in her rear and thighs, and aside from that she was in no pain. She had always expected the morning after to be full of agonizing cramps. Ringing startled her from her head. Kieran groaned and rolled over, wrapping a pillow around his head, and she sprang from the bed to answer the land line.

"Hello?" she asked, picking up the phone.

"Hello," Mirabell's voice floated to her. "Lyric, is Kieran with you? He never came down for breakfast with Gram and he's been sleep walking lately. I know the chances of him making it all the way out there are slim but--."

"He's here," she said. "He's fine. He did somehow manage to get here in his sleep." Suddenly the phone was pulled from her hand and she shot a glower at her mate.

"Hi," he said, giving Lyric his best smile. "Yes, Mom, everything is ok. No, Mom, she's fine. I'm fine." He listened to the phone and then pulled Lyric over, giving her head a sniff. "Actually, I think she's coming out of heat," he said into the receiver. "Oh, really? Yeah, send Jett to get us and we can start packing."

"Packing for what?" Lyric whispered at him. He rolled his eyes and turned his back to her.

"Oh, we have a night or so? That works for me. Yes, Mom, I'm sure she will be thrilled. Yes. Uh-huh, ok, love you too. Bye."

Lyric playfully slapped at his naked arm as he hung the phone up, her other hand on her hip, and then gave him a curious look.

"We have the official meet and greet Summoning coming up," he said. She stopped slapping at him and stared at the floor. She was to meet the Alpha's and Beta's that pretty much led Michigan werewolf Packs? Her? A lowly Rarity? "Hey," Kieran growled, pulling her from her depressing thoughts. "You should be excited and flattered. Most of these Alpha's and Beta's are dying to have a Rarity in their Pack. Most Packs would kill to have one as a member."

"I just hate meeting big crowds," she said.

"I'll be right there with you," he said, pulling her to him. "Now, let's get dressed and eat while we wait for Jett to get here. Hey, how are you . . . you know . . . feeling this morning?"

"I'm fine," she smiled. "Some muscles hurt that I didn't know existed but that's it."

"Thank god," he sighed. "I was scared you'd be in a ton of pain this morning and--," he trailed off.

"I'd never want to do it again?" she finished for him.

"Yeah," he whispered, turning a deep red from his head to his neck.

She stayed silent but gave him a devious grin and ran to the bedroom to get dressed before he could.


Jett arrived about an hour and a half later, giving Kieran plenty of time to make breakfast and help clean up after. Kieran and Lyric sat in the back together, staying snuggled close, and Jett rolled his eyes in the rearview at them.

"Can't believe you sleep walked all the way here but didn't feel like walking back," the Beta laughed.

"How far away from the house is Getaway Lake anyway?" Lyric asked.

"About five miles," Jett said before Kieran could open his mouth to speak. "Quite a trip if we aren't wolves."

Explains my sore feet, Kieran thought with a sigh. His feet had healed before he had even leapt into the lake, but they still ached in the ball and heel.

Last night had been almost exactly as he had hoped it would go—minus her being in heat. It was a goofy, fun filled experience and he had managed to keep her aroused enough to not be in pain this morning. Best of all was she hadn't shied away from him this morning when he cornered her changing.

"—ieran?" Lyric said a little loudly which made him jump.


"How are your feet? I didn't even think to check on you last night after you got there," she said, blushing.

"Sore but all right," he said after clearing his throat and shifting in the seat. The memory of this morning still fresh in his head. Lyric nodded and they rode the rest of the way in silence.  

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