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Chapter Twenty-Nine "Cops"

Kieran could see his mother and father being questioned by a couple of what had to be detectives with how they were dressed by a large truck. A human police officer and a plain clothes werewolf detective walked up to him as soon as he was out of the sedan.

"Are you the son? Kieran?" the police officer asked.

"Yes. What is this about?" he asked, figuring it best to play dumb at first.

"Surely, Mr. Archer, you've heard about the murder on the news by now," the detective said. "Don't act as if you haven't."

"All right," he said. "I did hear about some murders of a whole group of people but I thought it was being blamed on wild animals?" That was the current news on the radio anyway. Group of Campers Attacked by Animals—More at 6.

"Animals don't behead or leave strange flowers laying around," the cop sneered.

"And neither do we," he sneered right back.

"Jones," the detective growled. "Let's start over, shall we? I'm Detective Smiths and this is Jones. We are here on formal business about some murders that took place near your family's property. And we know your family had a connection with the victims. We are just trying to suss out what is happened."

"Where were you three nights ago?" Jones asked.

"A business meeting in Canada," he said. "We had just arrived there four days ago." He wasn't going to lie, knowing full well Smiths would smell the change in emotions.

"Business meeting? That's not what your father said," Smiths growled.

"Well, it turned into a business meeting but originally it was to celebrate my current uhh . . . status as a married man," he explained, faltering when he wanted to say it was about his current mating status. He held up his left hand to show off his ring. "Our business partners wanted to throw a little something together for us," he nodded his head towards Lyric who peered out from behind him. She was still in the sedan and he hadn't shut the door. "Gifts and plenty of partying. Dozens of people saw us there."

"Any altercations with anyone?" Jones asked, narrowing his eyes.

He knows.

"Yes, with a previous friend," he ground the word out. "He played a very non-funny prank on my m—wife, Lyric. I acted out of line there and things were taken care of."

"With no police intervention?" Smiths now.

"No. There was no need. We settled our differences like gentlemen."

"I see," Smiths said, giving Kieran a knowing look.

"Is that all, gentlemen?" Kieran asked. He knew he was being a little bold but throwing his weight around as an Alpha-son was a hard habit to break.

"For now," Smiths said. "We may have to have you come to the station for a few more things."

Kieran nodded and went around back of the Sedan and got out their bags. Lyric slowly emerged from the vehicle, scurrying to his side, and tried to take a bag from him. He told her that he could get them and asked her to get the doors for them. She nodded and hurried ahead of him.


Lyric was glad to be home, even if the cops had greeted them first thing. She made her way to the bedroom and couldn't wait to get a shower in a familiar bathroom. Once she and Kieran had unpacked their bags, storing the gems in a safe in his closet, she immediately went to get a shower. Just needing to wash the stress off of her. She ran the water as hot as she could stand it and climbed in. She was just about finished when the door opened up and Kieran came strolling in. He opened the shower, completely naked, and got in.

"What do you think you're doing?" she giggled.

"Getting a shower," he said, giving her an impish look.

"Well, I'm going to get out," she replied, faking an eye roll.

"Oh the hell you are," he growled playfully, wrapping his arms around her naked waist and pulling her over. "We had a whole honeymoon suite and I never got to use it."

"Kieran, I'll slip and fall and break something!" she squealed as her feet slid along the floor.

"No you won't," he laughed, spinning her around. He scooped her up, wrapping her legs around his middle, and backed them to a wall. She gasped as cold tile hit her back. Kieran adjusted her and she gasped as he entered her, letting out a low moan. Since having sex that first night, he had been insatiable. And she wasn't much better. They made love in the shower and then helped each other wash up.

"You really are an animal," she laughed when they were drying off together.

"Well, I try," he beamed at her.

She stopped a moment and took her mate in. The tattoo that coursed his body stood out nicely from a soft tan he had going on. Broad chest had hair only reaching from navel to his sex and his back was strong and thick. Just looking at him now, all covered in water and with wet hair, she wanted him again. With a shake of her head, she dismissed the thought, and went to the bedroom to get dressed. Kieran trailed after her but made no effort to put on clothes, instead crawling onto the bed.

"Do you think we could find them?" she asked, looking up from putting lotion on her legs.


"The O'Connor Pack," she said in a barely there whisper.

He hissed through his teeth and kneeled on the bed, patting in front of him. She crawled up to him and sat on her knees before him, looking up into his handsome face.

"I'm not sure," he said. "They don't go into detail in the book, which is fine, but most Rarity Packs live in remote areas, like I've said before. Russia, Canada . . . I've even heard of them being spotted in Japan, but they are like a myth. No one seems to have a firm grasp on where they are."

"Oh," she exhaled, looking at the bed. "It was a stupid thought."

"No," Kieran said, tipping her face up. "It isn't. I want to help you find your other family, Lyric, really I do. I just don't have the first clue on how to go about it is all. Plus, we have that whole death of the Meteer Pack on our hands to handle and the other murders in general."

"Right," she sighed, trying to give him a smile but failing.

"I promise," he said, holding her face, "once things settle down here, I'll see what I can do. Remember, I love puzzles and this one has fascinated me my whole life."

"Oh, thank you!" she gushed, knocking him back to the bed with a hug. Just as she was snuggling up to him, his cell phone buzzed on the nightstand and he picked it up.

"It's Jett," he said. "Sounds like he wants to take us to the mall tomorrow and wants us to meet someone."


"I haven't the foggiest idea. I guess we will find that out tomorrow."

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