Chapter 3

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"And one, two, three, four," My male dance instructor, Dreykov says as five other girls and I dance to the ballet music. "Promenade...six, seven, eight."

I then whip around in a spin, stopping abruptly when one of the girl's trips and lands on her butt. I stare at her, knowing very well everyone else is too. I don't make a sound as Dreykov walks apprehensively toward the young girl who is no older than 13. 

"Vstan'te (Stand up)," He demands and she quickly does as she is told. "Anastasia," He turns to face me. "Pokazhi yey, kak eto sdelat' (Show her how to do it)."

I get into position, waiting for the music to continue. As it starts, I take a breath before finding the rhythm and the steps. One, two, three, four...promenade...six, seven, eight, spin, and land. 

I turn to Dreykov, feeling his stern eyes examine me. "Ne tak sovershenen, kak tvoya sestra (Not as perfect as your sister)," I keep my face as neutral as possible from his rude response. "Ocherednoy raz (Again)."

I open my eyes from my short rest. The haunting of that man's face never left my memory. I turn to my side, sighing. The training I went under in the Red Room has never escaped me and it probably never will. It's difficult to move on when every time I close my eyes, I see what had happened to me in those walls. 

I sit up, rubbing my hands over my face before checking the time. 1:00 a.m. I remove the blanket off of my legs and get out of bed. I trail my feet outside my small apartment room and into the even tinier kitchen to get myself a cup of water. Right as I lift it to my lips, I hear my phone ding. I go back to my bedroom and look at it. 


Fury's in the hospital. He's been shot.


I run into the hospital and into the room where Fury is in. I ignore Steve and Nat's presence at first as I look at Fury through the glass window. I try hard to keep an unfazed facial expression even though my stomach is twisting at the sight of my boss. 

My relationship with Nick Fury is complicated. I work for him but I'm not his right-hand man like Agent Maria Hill. I wouldn't say he's my mentor or father figure. But I care a lot about him considering he was one of the few who pulled my sister and me into the good side. He also never treated me any less than my sister. 

"Is he gonna make it?" I finally find the will to ask. 

"I don't know," Steve answers honestly. 

"Tell me about the shooter," I say. 

"He's fast," Steve begins. "Strong. Had a metal arm."

Metal arm. 

The worry for Fury's life immediately left as a new feeling took over. The eerie feeling of deja vu. It can't be him, right? But how can I know? It would make sense if he tried to assassinate Nick Fury. He has assassinated countless people. 

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