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Song of Inspiration today is Hello My Old Heart by The Oh Hellos! It should be linked here:

Finally. They'd come upon a small town, and they were safe from the search they were sure was set for them. No one knew who they were, and there didn't seem to be any knowledge about the missing mage and his two accomplices. Patton was overjoyed, of course, and relieved to finally get a break after their weeks of traveling and hiding in the wilderness.

"I knew we'd be okay if we found a town!" he cheered, grinning at Logan and Virgil. "And it's so small... I doubt anyone will even think to look here. Plus, it's been so long, they might have given up already!" The chipper cook continued optimistically, bouncing on his feet.

Virgil wasn't nearly as enthusiastic. "You never know, Pat... we should still be careful. What if they just haven't gotten to this town to warn everyone yet? Or people here do recognize us, but haven't said anything so that they can get help without us knowing. Or..." He wrung his hands together anxiously as he spoke.

The ex-knight had removed his armor and sword, hiding it in the large packs the horses carried. He didn't want to risk anyone seeing it, in case it tipped them off somehow. He couldn't let anyone even get the chance to hurt himself or his friends, or report them to authorities.

Virgil's head whipped around as a hand settled firmly on his shoulder, finding Logan standing next to him. "We'll be fine." The mage assured him in a flat tone that left little room for argument. The cool certainty that Logan carried himself with was almost eerie to Virgil at times, especially combined with his piercing light blue eyes, height, and dark, neat hair. You really couldn't argue with the guy, not when he seemed so completely sure, without a single waver in his voice or expression. Besides, as long as Virgil and Patton had known him, he'd never been wrong before, so why would he be now? The two truly couldn't help but trust Logan. After all, it was his knowledge, strategic thinking, and certainty that had made him the royal advisor in the first place, and if even the king himself had trusted Logan with some of the kingdom's most important decisions, why shouldn't they trust him now?

As Virgil nodded silently in response to the mage's reassurance, Logan turned away, handing Patton the reins of the horse he'd been leading as they entered town. "I'll go talk to some people and see if there is anywhere for us to stay." He informed them, glancing back at them briefly, leaving no room for discussion, as seemed to be a habit of his.

Patton nodded, giving Logan what he hoped was a reassuring smile as he responded, "Okay! Vi and I can go find somewhere to keep the horses, then!" he decided, glancing toward their third companion for confirmation. When Virgil gave him a small nod, Patton looked back toward where Logan had been a moment before, just to find he'd already started off back into the town to gather the information he was looking for.

"... Am I the only one who feels like there's got to be something going on with him?" Virgil grumbled after a moment as they watched Logan disappear among the small buildings, and the people. "He's Just been so... quiet. And short-tempered. Not that that isn't normal for him but... it seems like it's worse than usual. And he hasn't really been spouting any random facts about the sh—" He cut himself off as Patton gave him a glare for his almost-swear. "-Stuff we've come across out here. Like plants and things." Virgil finished, rolling his eyes fondly at Patton's stern look in regards to his foul mouth. He always got so offended whenever even a small curse was said around him, and honestly? Virgil found it absolutely adorable. Not that he'd ever say a word about that. He was perfectly happy not having to deal with that embarrassment, thank you very much.

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