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The song this time is Little Lion Man by Mumford & Sons

CW: uncensored cursing + the beginning of an argument

The loud slam he heard made Logan wince, scowling as he brought a hand to touch his head gingerly. His whole body ached, especially his arms, and his head. With a groan, he dropped his arm back down, moving to sit up slightly as he slowly blinked his eyes open.

    The scene Logan was greeted with was not particularly comforting. He was back in the house he and his friends were staying in, laying in a bed he had only seen briefly before now, when he had first visited the house. There were some pretty floral curtains hung at the windows, softening the light that filtered through them, and blocking the view of the room from outside. The floor was made from a light-colored wood, and the walls painted a soft, sage-y green. The bed was up against the back wall of the room, and the door was to the right, at the far end of the room. There was a wardrobe at that end of the room, as well as a chair by the window closer by, to the left. A bedside table sat on his right, and a glass of water had been set on it.

    Virgil and Patton stood nearby, looking at him, presumably because they'd heard him shift and sit up. Their expressions were completely opposing. While Patton was giving him a relieved smile, Virgil was frowning, seemingly frustrated and angry, if he had to guess.

    "Logan!" Patton's relieved, happy voice broke through the silence as the man in question ran forward to give him a tight hug. One that wasn't particularly comfortable in his current state

    "Ah- hello, Patton," the mage greeted, returning the hug with much less enthusiasm. "How did... I'm back at the house?" He continued after a moment as Patton pulled away again, sitting on the edge of the bed, which was, upon further inspection, dressed in rather dull, grey sheets.

    Virgil snorted from his place further away, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, and looking out the window across the room from him. "Yeah, well, what did you expect, with that big blast? Could probably see and hear it from a mile away." He muttered, his voice laced with venom. He was definitely angry.

    "I-" Logan started, but Virgil cut him off, shaking his head.

    "matter of fact, what the fuck were you even thinking in general, going off and doing that?" The ex-knight stepped forward slightly, voice rising a bit as he gestured vaguely with his arms in exasperation.

    "Virgil..." Patton's concerned voice was ignored as Virgil continued on furiously.

    "Going off into the woods, not telling us what was going on, and doing something that could very easily put us in danger yet again?"

    "Virgil." Patton was yet again ignored.

    Virgil shook his head as he continued. "We just fucking got here, Logan! And we probably need to leave again now. Great job. You know, you're pretty damn idiotic sometimes for an apparent genius."

    "Virgil!" Patton finally spoke up enough to catch the others' attention. "Stop it already! He just woke up- and you're not even giving him a chance to explain, and he's probably already stressed and in pain as it is without you yelling at him." The cook lectured. A mix of emotions seemed to cross Virgil's face- but before either of the other two could really decipher much of it, he turned on his heel to head out of the bedroom door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2021 ⏰

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