Chapter 18

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Quick Trigger Warning - In this chapter, someone is going to get stabbed and I sort of go into detail about it. I don't go too much into it but if you don't like anything like that, then it happens in the paragraph that starts with the sentence 'He then stopped speaking and turned to look at me.' If you wanna skip it. :)

I was dragged back into consciousness when I heard the loud groaning of a heavy steel door nearby. And as I slouched on the cold stone floor, I kept my eyes shut and simply awaited my fate. It was obvious what was about to happen. I was going to die.

I heard heavy footsteps advancing towards me, and they were followed by a man's voice. "Dean Winchester's gonna regret the day he even looked at Azazel the wrong way."

I finally managed to open my eyes now and the first things I saw were the shiny black pools that replaced the man's eyes. And from that I knew that this man was a demon, and that terrified me. "What'd you want?" My voice was barely a whisper as I spoke.

"Right now? I want you to give me your phone."

I did as he said and slowly slipped my hand in my jean pocket, revealing my phone and holding it out to him. He smirked, snatching it from my trembling hands and standing up straight again. I watched in silence as he scrolled through my phone and eventually he held it up to his ear, appearing to be calling someone.

A few seconds passed and I could now hear a muffled voice coming from the device. The demon then began to speak to the person on the phone. And I felt my throat tighten when I heard him say the person's name. "Dean Winchester, I hear you've been tryna hunt old yellow eyes."

He paused for a moment, probably to let Dean respond to his statement. And then he continued on, a small smirk on his pale face. "Well, the boss thinks you need to be taught a lesson. And I just so happen to have your little girlfriend here with me."

He then stopped speaking and turned to look at me. And that was when I knew, he was going to kill me to punish Dean. I knew I should've never gotten involved with him. For once, I was wishing I'd stayed with my mom. The demon smirked before leaning down to me and holding the phone next to my face. And in all my panic, I failed to notice him take a weapon out of his pocket, as I now felt a painful pressure in my stomach. I looked down to see a silver blade sunken into my flesh. I tried to back away but all I was able to do was just press my body further into the damp wall behind me.

The next few seconds felt like hours as he ripped the blade out of my body, causing an intense pain to rush through me as blood spilled out of my stomach. And then I screamed. The last thing I heard before I passed out was Dean's voice on the other end of the phone. "I'm comin' to get you!"


When I finally regained consciousness, I could feel a dull ache in my stomach. I didn't want to look, I was just hoping that it was all a dream. But when I pressed my hand to my stomach, I was immediately alerted to the warm blood pooling through my t-shirt. This was real. I was going to die. As I laid there, helpless, I kept thinking about my mom. I was going to die with her thinking I hated her. I wished I never ran away with Dean. I should've just shut my mouth about dad and stayed with my mom. But here I was, alone in a dark hole, waiting for the final drops of blood to escape my body. I know that Dean said he was coming for me, but there was no way he'd find me in time.

I'd probably been here for another twenty minutes or so before I heard something outside the door. I assumed it was just the demon coming to speed up the process. But when I heard a loud bang against the metal, it was clear that that wasn't the case. I flinched when the door swung open and Dean stepped out from behind it, covered in black splatters. I wanted to get up and run to him, but all I could do was close my eyes. I was safe now.


"Hey." A quiet voice sounded nearby. "You okay?"

I groaned, forcing my eyes open to see that I was in a brightly lit room now. And when I turned my head, I saw Dean sitting in the chair next to my bed. "I ran away with you so I could stay out of hospitals."

Dean laughed, casting his gaze to the floor for a second. "I thought I almost lost you back there."

"Why did you save me?" I asked him as I thought back to our last conversation before I was taken. We hardly left things on a good note.

"I couldn't just let him kill you."

"Yes you could. I pretty much packed my bags and left before he took me. You could've just left me."

"Yeah well I wouldn't do that."

"You killed that other guy and you didn't care."

"Yeh well that was different." He argued. "You're my friend."

"Dean, we barely know each other."

He just smiled. "Alright, then how about when you get out of here, we'll take some time to get to know each other better."


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