Chapter 25

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It had been about a week and my life was still pretty much empty. Dean was still gone and everyday I hoped he'd come back for me, but he didn't. So I was alone and it looked like it was going to be that way for the rest of my life.

I sighed as I sat down at the kitchen table with my coffee. It was about ten in the morning so my mom had already gone out to work, thank god. Since I came back, all she'd done was tell me how Dean brainwashed me and that she thinks I should talk to a therapist. I wasn't going to do that, I knew damn well I didn't need a therapist. I was the only one who actually knew what was really going on. She didn't have a clue. She was still hung up on the idea that my dad and Parker died of a heart attack. I wanted to tell her the truth but it was obvious she couldn't handle it so all I could do, for the rest of my life, was keep quiet. And it was already proving to be pretty difficult.

I must've sat for about two hours, just staring into space. I hated to admit it, but my life was pointless without Dean. All I was able to do here was simply exist, it was pathetic. Getting up from the table, I poured the cold coffee down the sink and decided to go outside for a walk. That was probably better than sitting inside all day.


As I walked down the street, I couldn't help but notice the countless missing posters that were still up, despite me having been back for a whole week now. Clearly no one was willing to forget my apparent abduction. I just wanted to tell everyone the truth, but I couldn't. And I was trying so hard to fit back into this life, but it was just impossible. Now that I'd seen the supernatural world, I couldn't just give that up for a normal life. So if I couldn't stand to have a normal life, then maybe I should just go after Azazel on my own. Yes, I was less experienced than Dean, but I could surely learn. I had to, I couldn't stay here. Going after Azazel on my own was my only other option.


"What are you doing?" My mom asked, startling me a little. "I thought he left you behind."

"He did."

"Then why are you packing?" She asked, pointing to the half full duffel bag on my bed.

"Because I have to go." I told her, brushing past her into the hall. "I gotta get some things from the attic."

"What things?"

"Doesn't matter." I mumbled as I climbed into the attic in search of any sort of weapons. My dad might've kept his shit in his truck but Parker had to have kept something up here. My mom stayed waiting in the hall while I rummaged around in the attic. And I only managed to find one gun. Great.

When I came back down, I quickly went back to my room and slid the weapon inside the bag. And once I was done putting away the rest of my clothes, I zipped it up and headed for the door, only to have my mom stand in my way. "Why are you leaving again? You have nowhere to go."

"I can't stay here mom, I just can't."

"Why not?"

"I just can't."

"No. You tell me the truth, right now." She demanded, still blocking the doorway.

"You wouldn't believe me."

"Try me."

"I know who killed dad and Parker." I said, earning a disappointed sigh from her.

"Eva, we've talked about this. Your dad and your brother died of a heart attack."

"No, a demon killed them both and now I'm gonna go and kill him."

"Alright sweetheart, okay. How about you just sit down and we'll talk about this in a minute?"

"No, you're not sticking me on another psych ward." I said as I attempted to push past her. However, I was unsuccessful as she pushed me back and locked the door behind her. She was going to send me back to the hospital and there was nothing I could do. "Mom! Let me out! I have to find that demon!"

I frantically looked around my room for a way out, but the only way out was the window, and I was on the second floor. I couldn't just jump out, could I? In the short time I had, I made the decision to jump out the window. I couldn't let her send me back to the hospital. I wasn't crazy.

I dropped my bag out of the window and quickly jumped down after. And I was thankful to have landed on grass, because when I hit the ground, the pain hit my body like a shockwave. I couldn't imagine how much worse it would've been if I'd hit the pavement. I staggered to my feet and grabbed my bag, and I headed to the nearest bus stop. I couldn't stay here anymore. If Dean wasn't going to help me, then I was going to do it myself. No matter the cost.


My heart was hammering in my chest as I stared into the dark. I'd managed to get a bus out of town and I was nearly at my stop, but it was almost like I didn't want to arrive. I was going it alone, and I'd never done something like this on my own. I didn't even really know how to kill Azazel. But if Dean wasn't going to help me then I had no choice but to do it myself.

Once the bus stopped, I got off and headed to the nearest hotel. I had to be careful though since I wasn't even out of the state yet, and people were bound to be looking for me. And I couldn't stand the thought of being sent back to hospital. It was unbearable.


When I got to the hotel, it was probably around four in the morning. All I wanted to do was sleep, but I just couldn't. I didn't have Dean to protect me anymore. I had to be more alert, more aware of my surroundings, especially since my mom probably had a search party out looking for me. So instead of sleeping, I decided to spend the rest of the night looking online, in search of anything that might lead to Azazel. This was clearly going to be a long journey, but I knew it would all be worth it in the end. I was going to make Azazel pay.

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