2 - 'you got that right'

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oakley blake (lee for short)

"yo! what the fuck!" colby jumps up, making my legs fall to the floor as i'm awoken by yelling.

"what happened?" i ask, rubbing my eyes. i see jake in the same position as me: confused.

"that was the elevator! the metal thing on the elevator!" sam exclaims.

"what happened?" jake asks.

i pull my phone off of the charger and shove it in my pocket, following everyone out of the room and down the steps.

"there was a giant noise that we all heard." corey explains to the two of us. "sam thinks it's the elevator."

"was this door open?" colby asks as we all flow into the room.

"i don't think so. we would have closed it, right?" sam asks, fear leaking through his voice.

"jake body slammed it, remember? we shut the door," i say and everyone pauses.

there's a jumble of curse words as we all run around, trying to find what else it could've been.

"guys," i say, holding my finger to my lips. everyone's quiet and i hear a high pitch. "the piano!"

we all run upstairs and into the room we just were, investigating the piano.

the cover is open. "jake shut the cover after twerking on it. i watched him do it." i inform.

"is this on?" sam asks, looking around for a button on the piano.

"sam, this type of piano doesn't turn on or off." i explain and he nods. "that was definitely the piano."

"is someone fucking with us?" colby asks.

"it's highly illegal to be in someone else's hotel room. not even a staff member would go this far as to playing a joke on someone because that would bring bad credit to the hotel and it's obvious that they enjoy getting people to come in." i say.

"it's time to be quiet or something to hear anything else. i don't know." colby says, looking around the whole room.

i pull out my phone, checking the time. "hey, guys, maybe you don't want to know this, but look at the time." i say, holding my phone out to show them.

"no fucking way." corey says, "no fucking way."

"so that happened right at three." jake says and i nod.

the tv turns on by itself and i gravitate towards colby, who's closest to me.

everyone yells about it and i start to feel sick. "can we get the seance over with so that we can watch something funny or something for the remainder of the time here?" i ask.

"i don't want to do a fucking seance." corey says.

"i don't either, corey." i say, rubbing my eyes. "i would like to be at home, passed out in my bed, but we have to stay here."

"we might as well just do it. come on." sam grabs all of the candles and we sit down at the table. i sit between colby and jake, colby at the head of the table and then sam and corey on the other side. we each light our own candle.

colby and sam start explaining what a seance is, but i completely zone out.

i feel sick. my stomach is twisting and turning, the feeling of bile rising in my throat. my mind is in overdrive trying to debunk everything that happened. i don't like the fact that we're in the same room as people who have died.

when we first got here, we were fine. a few little sounds and weird things happening, but that happens anywhere. now? the elevator door opening, even after jake slammed it shut, the piano playing, the tv turning on-

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