Chapter Three: spin the bottle

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sorry there's no meme for this one

Tam's p.o.v

I. Am. So. Stupid. The second Fitz grabbed a blue-tinted bottle, I started to regret my choice. I guess both options were pretty bad, but I really didn't want to have to kiss someone. Then again, I had chosen pin the bottle. So....maybe I did? Don't be an idiot, I told myself, You'd know if you wanted to kiss someone. I realized that the game had started while I was thinking. Biana was leaning over the bottle, which was a blue blur on the floor. It landed on Sophie, who's cheeks turned pink. Biana was bright red as she leaned across the circle and quickly kissed Sophie, pulling back a millisecond after their lips touched. She handed the bottle to Dex, and he tossed the bottle from hand to hand a few times, before spinning it on the ground. It stopped in front of Linh, and I wanted so badly to jump up and block Dex from coming any closer....but as much as I hated to admit it, I trusted Dex. He was sweet, and I knew he would never try to hurt Linh. So I just watched as he gently kissed Linh. He gave her a small smile, before sliding back to his spot in the circle. I noticed he glanced at Fitz before passing the bottle to Keefe. Huh, I thought. Weird. 

Keefe's p.o.v

Usually I needed physical contact to feel people's emotions, except for Foster, but that day everyone had pretty strong emotions. Lots of fear, anticipation, excitement, and a little hope. I couldn't quite tell who they were coming from, because they seemed to be blasting at me from all directions. The emotions all seemed bouncy, and bright, so I didn't think I was feeling Tam's emotions at all. wait, why am I even thinking about Tam?  I shouldn't be thinking about my rival. does he have to be your rival? a small voice inside me asked. Yes, he does. We hate each other. Don't we? 

I really need to start writing longer chapters. I'm hoping that writing a bunch of chapters at once will make up for it...🤞🏼I probably won't be able to update for a little while, because I'm going on a trip. Okay, bye-bye!

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