Chapter Six: Elwin

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I kinda suck at this whole writing fanfiction thing....but oh well, here we go with chapter 6 

Tam's P.o.v 

The pain I felt in my head was worse than anything I'd ever felt. The burning in my chest was almost as bad as the light bonds they put me in when I joined the Neverseen. I turned again and let out an involuntary scream. Have you ever had I knife stabbed into you're heart? no? yeah, you wouldn't be alive. And dying seemed like a pretty good solution when I felt as if I'd had a knife driven into my chest. 

"Tam?" a concerned voice called. I just moaned in pain. The door opened and a very tired looking Wylie appeared. 

"What's wrong?" he turned on the light, and I saw his eyes go wide. "TIERGAN! COME QUICK!" his voice was higher pitched than usual. He rushed to my side just as Tiergan came running into the room. he came over to me, and brushed my hair out of my face. 

"Hail Linh, Wylie. I'm taking him to Elwin." all I could do was sob. 

Linh's p.o.v 

It was the middle of the night when my Imparter ringed, flashing Wylie's face. I sleepily answered. 

"Yes?" I asked. Wylie's face was pale, and he had beads of sweat trickling down his forehead. "Whats wrong?" 

"I'm not exactly sure," he told me, "but it's Tam."

"What happened to him?" I asked, bolting upright. I quickly looked up, hoping I hadn't woken anyone in Biana's room. My eye's lingered on Marella's sleeping figure. I couldn't help noticing how cute she looked, curled up in a little ball. I shook my head. Now was not the time to get distracted. 

"I don't know. Meet us at the healing center. that's where Tiergan's taking Tam." I nodded and hung up. I found a piece of paper and a pen in a drawer, and scribbled a quick note. Gone to see Tam. I throw on a tunic, and light leapt to Foxfire. 

Tammy Boi's p.o.v

My emotions were out of control. I knew how to keep it together! what the hell is happening?! 

I vaguely heard Tiergan saying, "Oh, thank god you're still here." 

He put me down on a cot, and said, "I'll wait outside." 

"So, Tam," Elwin said. 

"Yes?" I choked out. He flashed a bunch of different colored orbs of light, then leaned over me. 

"From what I see you look fine, also don't look fine." 

"What's that mean?" 

"I think I know what you're feeling." He told me. I make a small noise. "Heartache." 


"Yes. You see, when I was a kid, there was this boy that I really, really liked."

"A boy?" I couldn't help asking. 

"Yes, i'm bi. does that surprise you?" 

"Sorta," I had to admit. 

"Anyway, I knew I could never get together with him, and every nigh my heart would burn, and my head would hurt, from the heartache of it all." 

"Do you think Keefe likes guys?" I blurted. Elwin rated an eyebrow. 

"I'm not sure. why?" 

"No reason,"  I said, fidgeting with my tunic. 

"Well, if you want-" he was cut off when Linh burst into the room.

"Oh, Tam!" she said, throwing her arms around me. "Are you okay?" 

"I'm fine, I'm fine." 

"You two are welcome to stay the night. I'm working on an Elixir, so I probably won't be going home tonight." 

"Thank you, Elwin." Linh said. "What do you want, Tam?" I could tell it wouldn't work o go home, and I was feeling better, so I told Linh, "I think we have a sleepover to get back to." 

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