Chapter Seven: base quest

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Linh's POV 

"No way, absolutely not!" I said. "You were just in the Healing Center, you can not go back to the sleepover!" 

"I'm fine, Linh! It was just....nothing." 

I raised an eyebrow. 

"Please, Linh," I could tell by the look in his eyes, that this is something he needs. He needed to show everyone that he's strong, that he can get up after he gets hurt. That he's a tough guy. But I know better. He's still hurting. I know his secrets. I know he likes Keefe. and I know that it kills him every night. 

"Fine." I gave in. "I'll hail Marella."

"Marella, huh?" He said. see, the problem was, he knew my secrets too. 

"Shut up, Tammy," I told him with an eye roll.  

"Hi!" Marella's perfect face filled the screen.

"Hey, Tam wants to come back. Is everyone still there?" I asked. 

"Yeah, we're gonna play base quest!" she smiled. "You're coming back?" 

I nodded, and she smiled wider. Keefe peered over her shoulder. 

"Is Bangs Boy okay?" he asked, looking genuinely worried. I smiled. "He's all good." 


Tam's POV

I thanked Elwin, Wylie, and Tiergan, as me and Linh light leapt (leaped?) to Everglen. We made our way up to Biana's room, where everyone was gathered. 

"Hey, there!" Keefe greeted us. Linh smiled at him, then sat down next to Marella on the floor. I stood standing in the doorframe. 

"Are you coming in, or not?" Keefe asked. 

"Why do you care?" I spat. he looked hurt, as if I had stung him, as he turned away from me. 

"Where were you?" Dex asked. 

"I went to the Healing Center..."

"Why?" Sophie asked, a look of worry taking over her face. I shrugged. 

"Tam...." Linh prompted. 

" was....." I looked down at my shoes and mumbled, "heartache." 

"What?" Biana asked. 

"Heartache?" Marella cocked her head to the side. 

"I....did y'all know Elwin is bi?" I asked.

"Nice subject change there," Fitz said, "and don't think we didn't notice." 

I would have expected Keefe to be the one to say that. I guess I had really hurt him. 

"Who's ready for Base Quest?" Keefe asked, getting up. 

Everyone raised their hands. So we all made our way downstairs. I just looked up how base quest works and I think I get the gist. only sort of. bear with me, okay? 

"I call Foster on my team!" Keefe shouted. 

"How about we play boys versus girls?" Marella suggested. 

"Alright," Fitz said. 

"Whoo!" Biana taunted, "we're gonna kick your butts!" 

"Ha! we'll see about that!" Fitz said. 

"We'll quest first," Linh said, and we ran our separate directions. 

"they're gonna kick our butts," I muttered as we ran. Keefe laughed, a sound I could've listened to all day. snap out of it, I told myself. 

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