In Shock

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“She says she wants to talk to you, Dad.”

I drop the glass I was holding in my hand. It falls on the floor in a burst of juice and glass.

“Wait… What?” I say.

My dad stands up, looking angry, and rushes to the bathroom after snatching the phone from its stand. You need to understand something. My dad is almost NEVER angry. Sometimes he is, of course, but for really important things. So you can imagine how I and the guys feel. We look at ourselves awkwardly without saying a word. Jake’s the one to talk first.

“What’d she say?”

Nate sighs and looks at us nervously.

“She’s back in the state.”

Dean mums something we can’t understand, looking upset. He’s probably the one who remembers our mother the most. Who used to live with her all the time.

I feel the need to know more about her. I start to ask Dean something , but my Dad comes back, looking even more angry than before, and sits at the table. He looks at me.

“You’re gonna clean up the mess you made or do I have to do it for ya?”

I straighten up.

“I’ll do it. Sorry.”

I stand up and clean the floor.

Everyone looks at my Dad.

“Fine.” He says. “I’ll explain. She says she’s coming back in the state with, well, you know... Actually, she’s back in the town. She lives half an hour from here.”

We all try to absorb the shock. But there’s more. My Dad continues.

“Which means she’ll live about ten minutes from where we move. Guys…she wants to stat seeing us more often.”

Dean stands up and walks to his room without saying a word.

After we finish eating, I run up the stairs, questions popping in my head like in a bag full of pop corn.

I open my brother’s door. The one I talk to the most. My second Dad.


He lifts his eyes from his computer screen.

“Come in, sis.”

I enter his room and sit on his bed.

“Hum…I have a question.”

He closes his laptop and turns his chair to face me.


I hesitate on my words.

“Why did she leave?”

He looks at me sadly.

“I don’t know, Rose, but when she did, we never EVER heard about them again. Dad tried to contact her a million times, but she always ran away from him. He was more than angry with her after that episode.”


He stares at the floor. Then back at me, seeming uncomfortable.

“Rose, Mom was pregnant when she left. We have a sister.”

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