The Bully

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He smiles at me. This charming, smooth, gorgeous smile. Argh. I hate him already.

“So... have you recovered from your defeat…” He asks gently, twirling a strand of my black hair through his fingers “girly?”

“Oh please. There are other girls you could mess with and would be pleased to hear your sexist opinions, ok? You have a whole platter over there.” I point a group of girls peeking at him every five seconds, curtly tossing his hand from my hair.

He starts to laugh in my face, and his buddies gathered around my desk as well.

“See, girly, other girls aren’t as funny as you!” He replies, leaning over me and trying his charming look with me. “You’re cute when you’re mad!”

As the bell rings and all the students stand up and run out of the classroom, I pick up my stuff and walk towards the door.

“By the way, you should update your pick-up lines.” I say, turning to face him half-way to the door, laughing.  

“How do YOU know how to seduce someone?” he asks and to his buddies, it’s the most hilarious question in the world. I sigh.

Then I try to find my locker again. By the time I actually find it, figure out where I have to go with what and go reach the right classroom, the bell rang a long time ago.

“You’re late.” The English teacher, an old and scary woman, stares at me through her thick glasses with a severe look, her two hands on her hips.

“Right…” I say.

She keeps looking at me, as if she was waiting for me to say something important.

“Sorry…?” I try.

She rolls her eyes.

“Where is your lateness ticket?” She asks impatiently, while the whole class glances at me with a smirk.

“My what?” I ask, confused. Now everyone tries not to laugh.

She growls (litteraly growls).

“Nevermind. It’s not like it’s important anyways!” She says sarcastically, as if I was mocking her.

“Not, that’s not…” I start, before she interrupts me.

“Just go sit down and stop arguing!” She sceams.

And, head down, I take the closest seat without looking up. She orders everyone to go back to silently working.

“Scared of the angry which, hen girly?”

I jump when I realize who is sitting beside me and I quickly put my hand on my mouth, trying to hold back a cry.

The teacher, seated at her desk, lifts her eyes.

“What is the matter with you, young lady? Do I have to kick you out of my class?”

“No, misses…I’m sorry.” I answer, feeling bad.

“Don’t worry, girly. She won’t bite.” Annoying-hockey-player says gently.

“Shut up.” I spit, non-intentionally too loud.

“All right, that’s it.” The teacher says loudly, standing up from her desk. “You are disrespectful and irritant. Get out of the classroom and go to the principal’s office!”

“But…” I try to argue.

“NOW.” She screams, on edge.

Frustrated, I look daggers at this guy. This guy who hates me. When I do, he starts laughing at me.

“You too, Sanders!” The teacher says, still standing.

“I didn’t do anything!” The named Sanders reply, his hands in the air.

“I DON’T CARE! JUST GO!” The teacher cries, fed up.

He rolls his eyes and leaves the room. A few seconds later, I get out of the classroom as well. As I close the door behind me, I see him leaning against a water fountain.

“You’re really doing this on purpose, aren’t you?” I ask him, irritated.

“What are you talking about, girly?” He asks, turning to face me.

“Stop. Calling. Me. Girly.” I brutally answer.

“Sorry girly. I thought you wanted me to keep your secret.” He says with a provocative smile.

“What are you talking about? What secret?” I ask, tired.

“The fact that you would rather be a boy.” He answers.

“STOP IT!” I scream. “ I didn’t do ANYTHING to you! Why do you have to be such a bully?!”

When I say the word “bully”, his eyes start to steam up with anger. He gets closer to me, screaming: “I AM NOT A BULLY.”


“GO TO HELL!” He shouts.

I stop talking. And look at him, holding back tears. I’m stronger than him. And I walk away. And so does him, in the opposite direction.

I walk outside of the school and start walking down a road I don’t know. Maybe it’ll lead me to my home town. Maybe it’ll lead me back to my only friend. 

*** Thanks so much for reading! Sorry it's been a long time! And please tell me what you think , I really need you feedback to be better next time!  

Nihilarian xxxx

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2013 ⏰

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