First Day of School

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"Rose! Where were you? All your boxes are in your room! You should go unpack, you start school Monday!” My dad says gently as he walks the stairs with a large box in his arms, a small smile on the corner of his lips. His happiness irritating me, I simply nod and throw my stuff on the floor to remind me to wash them later and rush to my room, sighing.

Woah. Boxes. All. Around. My. Room. Piles of them. Everywhere. Gosh, why on earth do I have so many stuff? After staring at the boxes with a mix of amazement, laziness and frustration, I finally take a step forward. I fix my hair in a messy bun, pull up my sleeves and start working like a man.

“Can I help?” Asks Dean as he slowly enters my room.

I glance at him for a few seconds and nod with gratitude before taking a book from a small box lying on the floor. He approaches me gently and puts his hand on my shoulder.


 “Dean, I have to work.” I tell him impatiently while trying to toss his hand away. But he doesn’t move.

“Rose…” he repeats, leaning a little forward to make me look at him.

I roll my eyes, but after a few seconds of silence, I give up trying to hide from him. I lift my head from the book I am holding and look into his deep and soft brown eyes. He smiles shortly.

“What is going on?” He asks so softly it’s almost a murmur.

I sigh and look down, feeling water filling my eyes. How come every time Dean talks to me like this, all my emotions decide to suddenly burst inside me, drown me from the inside as a big crashing wave?

“Well…”I start, trying to find my words. But a voice in my head tells me to stop acting like a child. “You don’t have any problems. Don’t get all sentimental about a stupid day. You’re stronger than that.” It says.

“Nothing.” I say placing the book I was holding on a corner of my wrapped bed. “It’s just a lot of emotions for a simple day.”

Dean nods, visibly deceived I didn’t chose to confide everything I felt to him. Whatever. It’s not like I had something to say anyways. I’m perfectly fine.

Until we can’t stand anymore, we place our stuff in the house. And then we all find a place to sleep and shut down after a few minutes, exhausted by the big day we had.

The sun bursts in plenty of gorgeous colors as it lies down on the top of the pitch black ice-cold water. The sea. As I watch the breathtaking landscape, a soft and fresh breeze ruffling my black  hair, a strong hand gently takes mine. As if I knew it would come, I simply smile and close my eyes to enjoy the feeling of the warm fingers entangled in mine. Slowly, I open my eyes, blink a little in front of the darkness, suddenly surrendering us in silent, and turn to see the person next to me. With as only light the color of the moon, I can see only his eyes. His pale brown eyes lock in mine. And he leans forward. I close my eyes.


With a loud cry, I sit in my bed, throwing my pillow on the wall next to my it. My heart beats loudly for a couple of seconds before I find out it was my alarm that woke me up.

“ARGH!” I sceam, hating my alarm clock, hating this room, hating this town, hating this day, hating this hour. Monday, 7 o’clock. Time to go to school. With a growl, I stand up and dig in a large box to find something wearable. A pair of skinny jeans and a large white shirt with a picture of the Beatles printed on it. Perfect. I take a towel in another box and some shampoo with soap before going to the shower. I enter the shower and start the water, trying to find a place to put the shampoo and the soap. When the water reaches my skin and touches it, a loud cry comes out of my body. I drop all my stuff on my feet.

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