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Hey guys, "Is this story just a one-shot or a continuous story?"
*DRUMROLL* It's a continuous chapter story!
I'm not sure when I'll finish the story off but in thinking after around 30 chapters, 

Secondly, thank you for taking the time out of your day to read my some or less mediocre fanfiction about my two most favourite people in this world! Okay, so thats my message over! Get on with the story! Over and out. – MalevolentBible

Acknowledgements & Disclaimer: I do *NOT* own Dan and Phil, ( sadly ) I own nothing about them, they're just my #1 favourite youtubers and people of all time. And I need to thank them so much for saving my life.

Dan's PoV
I stared at Phil in shock, in awe. I don't know what you could call it. Horror, maybe horror. All I knew was that the world didn't make sense, everything was going, drifting so slowly through time.

I looked down at my feet and stood there for what seemed like the less of an hour.

"yeah" My neck jolted from the ground to take in the word that Phil's lips had just spilled.
I thought to myself and then stutteringly let out.

"You- you're sure. You're no- not joking are you?" I managed to stutter out.

I took a few steps back.

"No" He spoke loudly, but when it hit me it trailed off into a sullen little whisper.

I paced the kitchen floor and looked up to my flatmate, my MATE.

My best friend. Phil.

I couldn't take it. I just ran I didn't care, I ran to my room, I grabbed my Phone my earphones my coat and my all-black converse and ran to the door all I could hear through the air was silence, it was choking me, grabbing me by the throat and twisting my head.

I needed so badly to get out of there, I was so focused on the questions I had been asking myself that I completely forgot that I was running through the township of London.

I was literally sprinting through London holding a pair of shoes, a jacket my phone and headphones.

I stopped and realised that the whole time I had been running, Eyes had been glued on me.

I felt like more of an idiot than I already was.

I just stopped; it felt like I had stopped in time. I looked at everybody around me they were normal, walking pacing, watching the world and I was there, I was standing in the middle of their world.

I walked to Starbucks and put my shoes on in their bathroom, I added my coat. I stood up and walked to the mirror, I put my hands on either side of the basin and I lifted my head up, I started at myself, into myself.
All of the sudden I felt sick.

I started to heave and I ran back to the bathroom and slammed the door behind me. I lent my head over the toilet bowl.

I expelled everything, until I was at bile. I few people walked in and out, ignoring me as I nearly decapitated myself on the toilet.

After I'd finished, I wiped off my mouth with my now steadily shaking right hand.

I felt so ill in my body, and in my head.

I pulled my head out of the toilet bowl and stood up, flushing everything I had eaten, everything I had consumed, the alcohol, this morning's kind of breakfast.

I walked out of the bathroom door after a few concerned looks I fled Starbucks to sit in a quiet park nearby.

Once I settled in on a nice bench under a willow tree I pulled out my phone and plugged in my headphones.

I scrolled through my music as I slipped both ear buds in my fingers were scrolling but they stopped at Muse.

I tapped on the origin on symmetry album, Feeling good was the song I chose. I felt powerful when I listen to that song, I felt free.

Birds flying high
you know how I feel
sun in the sky.

I looked up to the sky it was glittering with clouds.

I breathed out slowly as I got up, I walked along the streets and I felt like nothing could touch me. Phil. Jesus, Why was I thinking about him, Why in the hell did I kiss him.. I didn't love him.

Did I? Jesus I'm so confused. I shook my head to myself "Fucking hel..l..ll" my voice trailed off as I rest my head in my hands.

Sleep in peace when the day is done
and this old world is a new world
and a bold world
for me.

 As I finished mumbling the words I realised how far I had walked, all the way down the park's street too another  building complex. I paced along quickly back to the place I had been before.

It's a new dawn

I layed on the grass, Feeling the heat of the sun take my body.

it's a new day
it's a new life

What was I going to do.. What did I do, I mean. 

Phil and I have always been close, and I know there's always been something there, for me atleast.

But I never said so in the case that it would completely ruin our friendship. I just. I just hoped I hadn't then and there, last night, Ruined everything we'd built up over the past five years.

I slammed my fist to the dirt. What had I done? What had I fucking done!

I got up, flailing distressed, I ran back to the flat, My legs aching by the time my legs had taken me outside of our building complex.

My heart was pounding, the wind had done horrid things to my hair. I didn't want to see myself right now, I knew I was a wreck.

I arrived at the door, finding it still open. 

My eyes fixed on the raven haired boy, with his elbows leaning on the windowseal, his legs crossed with each other, and his eyes staring blankly out of the thin glass pane, As If searching for something. 

He turned around when he saw me, Our eyes met.

And I knew at that moment that I felt everything I had ever felt for him twenty times harder. 

"Hi" I blurted out.

"Hey dan" he said quietly, a warm smile covering his face.

for me,
and I'm feeling good.


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