Marseille 2010

22 2 7



“Ah, Japenga.” The infamous Percina Rotham’s smile didn’t match her eyes in the slightest. “Please tell me you’re here to see my husband.”

“Your husband changed his name and address long ago,” Japenga said, standing up from his chair and waltzing toward Mrs. Rotham. “I am here to see you, Percina. You should know that by now.”

“I can always dream,” Percina muttered. “Clémence, go away. And make sure no one disturbs.”

Aimez-vous un thé ? Et ton invité ?

“I want absolutely no disturbances, girl, which includes you servants as well.” The young girl nodded meekly before hurrying out of the room, shutting the glass door loudly.

“Aimez-vous un thé?” Percina mimicked. She snorted. “Japenga, I hope you didn’t want any tea. You better not have expected it.”

“I didn’t,” said Japenga.

“Good,” Percina said. “Now, I don’t owe you money, do I?”

“Percina, I’m not here for money,” Japenga replied. “I’m here to give you something to do other than terrorize little girls.”

“And what do you want me to do?” Percina was miffed. “Give you a good word in some exclusive society? Tips on some crazy ritualistic culture?”

“I want you to read this.” Japenga produced yet another manila envelope and placed it in Percina’s hand. “And give me an answer by tomorrow. Don’t let anyone read it.”

“Obviously,” Percina said. “Anything else?”

“The Siama twins already gave their consent.”

“Midori and Gennai?”

“The two and only.”

Percina swore and Japenga disappeared.

*Author's Note*

I updated. It's been a while *innocent smile*

Jessica Chastain is one of my favourite actresses. Ever. And she's a nominee at the Oscars this year (2013)! I hope she or Quvenzhané Wallis wins :)



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