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California shoved his clothes into the back. If they didn't want him there? Fine. He didn't need them or their stupid comments.

I mean yeah he was obnoxious and annoying but so was everyone else! Why should he take the brunt of the blame? Be the perfect little poster child for stuck up asshole.
Maybe he was over reacting, or seeing everything through a lense of self pity abd victimization. That's what they'd say. They wouldn't care though he's California, they do it all the time. Still, didn't mean they had to be so mean about it!

That didn't matter now though, they were leaving, and he's not coming back.

They pick up their bags, quietly sneaking through the house. Sidestepping a creaky floorboard, he looks up at the nearest clock. 2:00 am. Most people should be asleep. With the exception of DC, of course, a soft glow coming from xyr office door. California took a slight detour as to not alert xem.

After successfully sneaking out of the house, he makes his way over to his car, tossing the bag in the passenger seat and turning the car on.

He leaves quickly, making sure that if they did hear them leave, they couldn't follow. He was gone and he was not going back. He was finally going home.

A few minutes later on the highway, the adrenaline started to wear off. The realization of what he had just done was creeping in. Oh God. They had just..left. What would the others think? Would they freak? Would they even notice? He should have left a note. Fuck. They should turn back-

He spun the wheel, going to turn off onto an exit. A bright light blurred his vision and they tried to swerve away. Soon after a horrible sound filled his ears, resonating throughout their entire body.

A sharp pain filled his head, and then there was nothing.

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