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Oh look at that I'm back!
Sorry for the delay school was killing me
Take some more lovely bonding time
Nothing bad ever happens I promise


So California was in Texas's truck.

More specifically he was in Texas's truck, willingly, going to a barbecue he had agreed to go to.

Yes indeed they did remember and were told many stories about them being..well..not the most agreeable to put it lightly.

Fuck, he'd had a taste of it after his accident.

They had argued briefly a few days after he had arrived, but it was more like exchanging banter between two old friends.

He honestly didn't understand the jokes about them being civil towards eachother and not causing another fight he seemed fine. He had thought to himself "Oh maybe they were exaggerating and we aren't that bad. Maybe we just banter alot.".




Two weeks after he had come home, DC decided to do a "State dinner". Apparently xe attempted these about once every two weeks. A disagreement over something minor, he couldn't even remember what quickly turned into a heated argument. Politics had been brought up and it all went downhill from their.

It was kind of an "Oh so that's what they meant." Moment.

This, of course, lead to other arguments popping up around them, and eventually, mass amounts of drama, gossip, and thrown food. The Dakotas had even gotten into a brawl. DC's face did not leave xyr hands for a full hour.

It had been almost fun, and people did end up laughing alot, but California felt guilty for starting it all. However ge was reassured this happens everytime.

Much less fun when DC started xyr round of lectures. Holy shit xe could be downright scary when xe wanted to be.


He knew how his and Texas's relationship could be.

And yet here he was, willingly heading out to a barbecue with him after an awkward invite.

The old pick up pulled into a driveway and slowed to a stop.

"Aight, we're here. Let's go safe space."

California sighed at the nickname. Some things will never change. They stepped out of the truck and followed Texas to the backyard of this house they were at.

He surveyed the people bustling around him. It wasn't an overwhelming number, but it also wasn't a poor turnout.

A question had been on his mind since they left the house. It had been right on his tongue, waiting to be asked and before he could stop himself, it was out.

"So uh..why am I here."

Texas gave him an annoyed look. "Well, you agreed to be here. And this is a barbecue."

Cali crossed his arms "I told you already I know what it is I didn't forget everything. Apparently I've lived too long for that."

It was true, he did remember alot of his life. Sure alot of details were fuzzy in some places but it was fine. Oddly enough though he didn't remember alot of his childhood. He did remember becoming a state, first interactions, moving into the statehouse for example. Although alot of the ones that originally he couldn't recall were popping up and becoming less..fuzzy? Foggy?

Something like that.

Texas gave him that look again.

"We're here to eat and have fun?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2022 ⏰

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