
430 14 13
                             's been like 3 months- whoops-

I am very sorry for the wait but I have brought fluff! Next few chapters will also be fluff! Then the real shit, but that's not important right now

Just look at the cute friendship everything will be ok

Enough rambling, story time!

Tw: Mentions of alcohol. They don't actually drink any but there is a bar

Guilt is a stupid stupid bitchy thing.

It attacks those that do not deserve it, especially at the worst possible times. It leaves alone horrible people, avoiding giving them at least a taste, a fraction, of the hurt they've caused. Y'know, for funsies. And, it was currently the reason why Nevada was sitting in his car, on this cold fucking night, waiting for California, each passing second Twisting the not in their stomach a little tighter.

This really should not be the reason they hung out with him. They know that! California was great. I mean just as tolerable as the rest of the West, and by that they mean, well, better in small doses. Nothing against them just long periods with eachother normally didn't end well. Or with others really. Huh. Maybe they're just ~quirky~ like that.

Nevada makes a mental note to never think a sentence like that again. He's been hanging out too much with Washington.

Back to the point- California was just as annoying as the rest of them. He can't shut up, loves arguing and tends to delve into a pity party but like....who doesn't. Everyone has flaws. Maybe it's just flaws they hate in themselves.

Maybe they're doing this because they feel like they should make it up to the nation state? Who knows. He's not even the one that Cali technically called his friend.

They sigh, resting their head in the steering wheel.

This would be so much easier if Washington hadn't opened his big mouth. Why say a friend had died! Dumb fucking move Wash! They're set up for disaster now! This whole situation was fucking ridiculous.

They raised their head off the steering wheel, only to let it fall back into place.


Stupid memory losses and stupid excuses and stupid guilt-

Nev could hear the click of the door handle and bolted upright, quick ad they could. They turned to look at the now open car door, and a pretty decent looking California. Still with that flannel. For all the things they talk about fashion-

"Hi Cali!"

Their stupid brain decided to hit them with a reminder of how that nickname normally slipped from Washington, Oregan- fuck most people's lips whenever they wanted something.

Why couldn't their brain just....not.

California slipped into the passenger seat. Nevada prayed to whatever god that they hadn't noticed them sulking.

"You ok?" He asked, head tilting to the side, expression made to look concerned, but betrayed by the fact he was half smiling. One worn by an old friend who knows they can tease you about stuff.

Ahhhhh. Bastard. So he did notice.

"Oh, nothing really, just thinking."

Nevada gave him their classic dazzling smile. The one he used to cover anything up and smooth everything over. And of course, it worked like a charm.

California puts on their seat belt, shifting a bit before settling into the seat.

"So, where to?"

"We, are going to the nearest place with gambling and a bar."

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