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Tw: hospitals, car crash

The fed stopped xir typing, rubbing xir temples. God, xir eyes stung so much. Maybe it was time for a break.

DC shut off the computer, the blue glow from the screen cutting out and leaving xem in darkness. DC turns away from xir desk, already feeling the empty ache that came with too long without sleep over taking his body. Xe couldn't sleep now though, there was still work to be done.

Xe paused mid sigh, when the room once again lit up in an electronic glow.
That's weird, xe didn't turn on the computer, where would it be- oh. Xir phone

The numbers were rather blurry but...that looked like the hospital's number..

Panic ran through xem, completely flooding out the tiredness from before. Oh God oh no someone was hurt, were they dead? Who died what happened-

DC picked up the phone, quicker then what was probably human. Xir heart felt like it was practically pounding out of xir chest, running at a mile a minute.

"Hello?" Please, please let xir states be ok.

"Hello," The voice on the other end said, crackling to life. "We have a uh, Cal North here? You were on his emergency contact sir."


The voice continued "He got into an accident with a semi truck, he's currently unconscious. He did wake up a few times, but it seems his memory has been wiped."

Xir blood ran cold.

"He turned into oncoming traffic. Good thing he wasn't too badly injured."

No. That couldn't be. California was a responsible driver. They always badgered everyone else about it, they wouldn't-

Xe had to go see them. California was one of xir states xe had to make sure he was ok. "I'll be right over." Xe couldn't fail them.

"Sorry sir, visits are closed. They do open tomorrow at 8:00 am though."

DC rubbed at xir face, stress rising. "Yeah I'll...I'll be there. Thank you." DC hung up, shutting off his phone and just standing in xir room. Shocked.

Even if xe did plan on sleeping tonight, there was no way xe could now.

______________The Next Day______________

DC is out the door at 7:15 am. It was a half hour ish drive to the hospital and xe wanted to be there as soon as possible.

Xe quickly straighten xir tie, taking long strides over to xir car. Just as xe get the door open, xe notice another car is missing.
Must've been the one California took, which is weird cause that one was was really quiet, good for long distances. Not the one he normally took, even late at night. Something about it being more comfy to drive.

Xe're only hit with the realization after xe start driving.

They were going back home.

But no, it couldn't be. That didn't make any sense. Xe were just being paranoid. California loved living at the statehouse, he was one of the few states that actually encouraged they all live together.

Not like xe'd stop them from going back home, as long as they show up to meetings, but California even went so far one night, amid other sleepy mumbling, as to say he never wanted to leave. They loved the company.

And they just...left like that. Not even a goodbye..

It really wasn't like him.

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