Welcome To Joseon Falls - Part Two

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They were running. Running away from a monster which were chasing them trough the forest. Which attacked them and nearly killed a person. Which nearly killed them. Both twins didn't know how much time had passed, but they knew that they should be at their great-uncles shake by now. But they apparently weren't. Instead of unpacking their bags they were running for their lifes. Mabel and Dipper were already tired, it was night and they hadn't much sleep after all, but the monster didn't seem to slow down. It even get faster, at least the kids thought so.

"Dipper! Why does it get faster!?," asked Mabel her brother who was right behind her.

"Maybe it doesn't get faster. Maybe we get slower!"

"I can't run anymore! I need a break!," told she him hard breathing.

"We can't stop!," Dipper screamed. "You saw what this thing did!"

Mabel get slower and was already behind her brother who took her hand and kept running with her in tow. The monster was not much further behind them. It pulled tress out and didn't seemed to be tired at all. With each second it came closer and closer.

"We need to hide!," exclaimed the brunette boy and looked around to find a hiding place. He saw a bush which were big enough that both twins could hide in it.


The Pines-twins ran as fast as possible to the bush and jumped in it and bend down. Both tried their best to stay silent long enough that the monster kept running or gave up the search.

As the creature finally arrived it looked around. The twins' bodies shook of fear it could find them. And these fear grow bigger as the beast let out a loud growl of rage. Then... It left. It just left without doing anything else. The kids sighed in relief.

"A-are you okay?," Dipper stuttered still in disbelief what just happened and looked at his sister with worried eyes.

"Y-yeah. I-I think."

The twelve-year-olds stayed silent for a few minutes to catch their breathes and thinking of what just happened and how it even was possible.

"D-dipper?," Mabel whispered to her brother.

"Mhm," He didn't notice, that his sister just asked him a question. It was not the first time. Always when he was thinking he was didn't notice anything around him.

"Sorry. I was... thinking. What do you wanted?"

"What should we do next? We are probably far away from our Gruncle's place a-and he is definetly worried about us."

To that question not even Dipper knew an answer. And he was a smart kid. That was also the reason he get bullied in school. Of course Mabel tried to protect her brother, but she couldn't because women weren't allowed to go to school. They have to stay at home and learn all the things a women should know. Cooking, neeting and such things. So Mabel could barely help, except people are bullying him outside the school. But even then people sayed a boy should protect himself and not by his sister. But Dipper was always a bit weak while Mabel was the stronger twin.

"I don't know. But we should get help," Dipper leaned against the tree behind him, but this tree didn't feel like one. It was cold. Like if it were made of metal. Mabel, of course, saw his confused eyes and gave him a quizzically look. The brunette boy knocked against the tree, which proved his theory. It's not a real one. They heard an echo from inside and looked if there were any doors to open. Why should someone build a fake tree if he doesn't have to hide something?

"Dipper, look!," Mabel pointed at a bough which looked suspiciously like a lever.

"Do you think the same thing that I think?"

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