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Request from Evangelinejuliafrost! :D
Love this request


"C'mon, (Y/N)! Hurry up!" Hiro whined with a happy grin on his face, practically dragging you out into the garage. You giggled.

"Can't you at least tell me where we're going?" You asked.

"It's a surprise!" He said back. When you both made it into the garage, Hiro ran over to the garage door. "Alright, ready?" He asked. You shrugged. Hiro then opened the door to reveal Baymax in his red and blue superhero armor. You looked at Hiro questionably.

"Baymax's armor..?"

Hiro nodded cheerfully.

"But I've already seen this. 'How's it a surprise?" You said, walking over to Baymax and touching his suit.

"You've seen his suit before, but.." Hiro paused as he walked over to you and Baymax. He turned and smiled at you. "You've never ridden on him."

You stared at Hiro with an unbelieved expression. "No way." You said.

"Yes way." Hiro said and climbed onto Baymax's back. He held a hand out for you. "You coming?" He asked. You smiled uncontrollably and took his hand, climbing up next to him.

"Uh..where do I hold on?" You asked. Hiro smiled.

"Just hold onto me. I won't let you fall."

You blushed and held onto Baymax's wing with one hand and Hiro's hand with the other.

"Are you ready?" He asked. You nodded. "Baymax, glide." Said Hiro. Baymax did as he was told and took off into the sky. At first you hid your face in Hiro's shoulder, but after a few seconds you slowly looked up to see the buildings of San Fransokyo get smaller and smaller beneath you.

You're eyes widened at the beautiful view. Hiro noticed and smiled before making Baymax do loops around arches and buildings. You laughed and cheered nearly the whole time you were flying through the sky.

After about twenty minutes, Hiro flew Baymax up onto a wind turbine and landed on it. Hiro jumped off and held out both of his hands for you, which you gladly grabbed and off of Baymax, still laughing.

"Oh my gosh, Hiro!" You smiled widely. "That was amazing!"

Hiro chuckled. "Nice wind-blown hair, by the way." You suddenly noticed your hair that was sticking up in various places. You blushed and quickly combed through it with your fingers as Hiro and Baymax sat down on the turbine. When you finished, you grumbled and shook Hiro's hair, sitting down next to him as you did so.

"Yeah, well you've got it too, genius." You said. Hiro chuckled.

"I think it suits me."

"More than you're usual messy hair?" You raised your eyebrows at him with a smirk. He glared playfully at you, making you giggle. You sighed and leaned back onto your hands, which Hiro copied. "Thank you, Hiro." You thanked and looked at him with a smile. He smiled back but quickly averted his eyes.

"Look..(Y/N) I.." He mumbled and rubbed the back of his neck, sitting up. You could feel the butterflies in your stomach and your cheeks flush a soft red. You were pretty sure that you knew what he was going to say; you weren't stupid. But the thought still made you somewhat speechless. You sat up beside him.

"I like you, (Y/N).." Hiro said, surprisingly calmly. He was staring down at him lap, which honestly looked really cute. You placed your hand on his cheek and turned his face toward you.

"I like you too, Hiro." You smiled.

"Woah, re-" before girl could even finish, you kissed him quickly on the lips, pulling back only after a second.

"Really." You said. Hiro smiled contentedly and leaned in to kiss you gain, this time sweeter and much longer. When you pulled back, you set your head on Hiro's shoulder as his arm draped around your waist, both watching the sunset before it was time to go back home.


Kill me now
Not only am I late
But I can't write

Feel free to request again, Evangelinejuliafrost, because I'm not so sure how satisfied I am with this ;m;

First fic with Baymax
He didn't have any lines...

Please request and I'll try to update earlier xD I guess I got busy with school and I went to a Super Smash Brothers Tournament last night then I was busy with something earlier today

I'm pretty much begging on my knees for you guys to request xD I don't get inspiration often.

Goodbye, Mochi's! *waves*

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