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Request by Labrat298
As always, I do apologise for being later than expected ^-^'

Hiro's POV

I grumbled as I watched (Y/N) once again fawn over Tadashi. Seriously, those two have been inseparable since they met. I met (Y/N) a few months ago in the café, about a week ago, [Y/N in the background: ABOUT A WEEK AGOOOO] I introduced her to Tadashi. Since then, she's been constantly interested in everything that he does. It's not like I'm jealous, I just don't want her to forget me, I guess.

Does that sound stupid?

That probably sounds stupid.

"Hey Hiro!" Tadashi called. "What are you over there for? Come look at what I just taught (Y/N) to make!" He said excitedly. I rolled his eyes in my thoughts and stood up from my chair in the garage.

"No thanks, I'll pass." I said and started walking out of the garage.

"Where are you going?" (Y/N) asked.

"I just remembered I have homework." I lied.

Readers POV

Tadashi and I exchanged glances as we watched Hiro walk out of the garage.

"He's lying" Tadashi said bluntly.

"Totally lying." You responded, still looking at the door that Hiro disappeared out of seconds ago.

"And jealous." He continued.

"Totally jealous." You said, looking at Tadashi. You both laughed before you sighed and stood up. "I suppose I should see what's wrong." Tadashi chuckled.

"Good luck." He said.

You quickly made your way upstairs to the boys' shared bedroom where Hiro sat at his desk on his computer. You quietly snuck up behind Hiro until your face was an inch away from his cheek.

"Whatcha doin', nerd?" You smirked. Hiro jumped slightly and turned toward you with a shocked expression. You laughed.

"Ha-ha, very funny." Hiro said and turned back to his computer.

"Why'd you leave?" You asked, sitting on his bed.

"I told you, homework." He lied again.

"Yeah, nice homework." You gestured to his tabs on his computer screen, reading "Tumblr" and "YouTube."

"I didn't even think you would notice I left; considering you were so interested in my brother." He stated. You rolled your eyes.

"Well we kinda made conversation as you left." Hiro kept silent. "And who said I was interested in Tadashi?" You asked. Hiro stood up from his chair.

"Oh, come on. You've barely talked to me in a week, it's obvious!"

"That's what that was about?" You stood up in front of Hiro. He stood silent again, looking to the side. You sighed [A/N: haha...homophones..#GrammarNazi]. "Hiro." Hiro looked at you. "You're being ridiculous."

"How?" He glared. You shook your head.

"I don't like Tadashi like that. Even if I did, he's like, twice my age."

"Tadashi's not that old.."

You rolled your eyes.

"Besides the point." You sighed again. "Look, I'm sorry I've been ignoring you." You said. "Plus," you continued. Hiro looked at you questionably before you grabbed him by the collar of his hoodie and kissed him. After a few seconds, you pulled back, wrapping your arms around Hiro's neck.

"The only nerd I like is you." You finished. Hiro smiled, wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing you again gently, no longer jealous of your relationship with Tadashi knowing that you were his.


I loved the simplicity of this one ^-^
I'm currently working on a sad Hiro x Reader so be prepared for that one
And 7K READS?!
I love you guys so much. Thank you soo so much for all the feedback and comments. It really means the world to me.
I dunno about you guys, but Spring Break for me starts on Friday (I live in United States, Michigan) so I'm gonna try and write more during break.
One last thing.
Do any of you have Tumblr? Mines @gumleeshipper. I post Big Hero 6 (Hidashi, mostly), some Steven Universe, and various fandom-y things. Comments your url and I'll follow you! :D

"That's all for now. I'm satisfied with my care."

Goodbye, Mochi's! *waves*

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