Chapter 2

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Arden and Sora are eating their berries when they hear a car alarm going off.

"Mom, can you braid my hair?" Sora asks.

"Sit down in front of me," Arden says.

Sora sits in front of Arden and in between her legs. Sora uses a brush that she brought along with her when the dead began to rise and she brushes through Sora's velvety soft black hair and she puts it into Dutch braids.

 Sora uses a brush that she brought along with her when the dead began to rise and she brushes through Sora's velvety soft black hair and she puts it into Dutch braids

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Sora smiles and goes to thank her mom th they hear a car alarm going off.

"Talk to me, Dale!" Shane exclaims as he rushes over as Arden and Sora join Lori.

"I can't tell yet," Dale claims and he looks through his binoculars.

"Is it them?" Amy asks. "Are they back?"

"I'll be damned," Dale mumbles.

"What is it?" Amy asks.

"A stolen car is my guess," Dale replies.

A red mustang comes pulling up and Glenn gets out. Shane and Amy keep talking and Amy keeps asking and asking about Andrea. He then looks at Arden.

"Arden, can we talk?" He asks after Shane finally stops yelling at him... Dale, too.

"Come to my tent?"

"It's about Chul," Glenn says. "He's... dead. He sacrificed himself for the rest of us."

Arden gasps and Shane catches her arm when she stumbles. Miranda and her kids run at Morales as Amy hugs Andrea and Lori soothes Carl.

"How else did you guys get out of there, even with Chul's sacrifice?" Shane asks as Arden cries into his chest and wonders how she'll tell Sora.

"New guy," Glenn says. "He and Chul got us out."

"New guy?" Shane asks.

"Yeah, crazy vato just got into town," Morales claims.

Arden walks away suddenly in search of Sora, ignoring Shane and Glenn's calling of her name. She needs to tell Sora about Chul's sacrificial death in Atlanta. She finds Sora at their tent and she sits her down.

"Sora, jagiya, aeteullaenta-eseo Chulgwa munjega iss-eoss-eo," Arden says in Korean.
(Rough Translations: 자기야, 애투타 아이 Chul ., Baby, there was some trouble in Atlanta with Chul.)

Sora looks at her mom with wide eyes as Arden tells her about Chul's sacrificial death.

Sora Kim is sitting voice to the Grimes family and her mom that night, around a fire. Dale has just asked Rick how it felt waking up in that hospital all alone. Sora lays back against her mom with her hair down and as Arden thinks of childhood memories with Chul in Korea, she runs her fingers through Sora's hair.

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