𝗶𝗶. 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗮𝗱𝗱𝗶𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻

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chapter two

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chapter two

the addiction

   "DO YOU HAVE to be so loud?" Cordelia groaned at Jess as she slammed a draw shut, the older Moore placed a hand on her head dramatically, folding the covers over to hide her face

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"DO YOU HAVE to be so loud?" Cordelia groaned at Jess as she slammed a draw shut, the older Moore placed a hand on her head dramatically, folding the covers over to hide her face.

"Not my fault you feel like shit, Cordy," Jess smirked coyly in Cordelia's direction.

"Not my fault . . . " Cordelia mocked her cousin in a high pitched voice. "It is your fault, asshat, you're the one who kept giving me drinks."

"And you're the one who took them," Jess rolled her eyes at the childish behaviour and began to throw her cousin some clothes. "Get dressed we have class."

"No we don't, it's Saturday," Cordelia huffed, throwing the covers off of her face eccentrically, dropping her hands down besides her.

    Jess looked over at her with squinted eyes, pulling a face. "It's Friday."

"What the fuck?" Cordelia shot up, hair flailing about and sticking up in places it definitely shouldn't be. "Since when?"

"I'm kidding," Jess laughed, earning a sarcastic, dry laugh from Cordelia in response. "You wouldn't have moved if I asked you to, we're going out for lunch get dressed."

"Asshole. It's too early for this behaviour," Cordelia sighed, flopping back down onto the bed, hand resting on her head.

"It's two PM you lazy shit, get up." Jess wouldn't take no for an answer, picking up one of Cordelia's heels from the floor, she chucked it at her.

"Ow! That's fucking abuse-!"

"Wait, so, Sammy's where?" Cordelia asked as she pushed the sunglasses up her nose, taking a bite of her burger.

"With his brother Dean," Jess answered. Cordelia thought for a moment, the name sounding familiar. "Family stuff." She shrugged.

𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐌𝐄, dean winchesterWhere stories live. Discover now