𝘃𝗶𝗶. 𝘂𝗴𝗹𝘆 𝘁𝗿𝘂𝘁𝗵𝘀

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chapter seven

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chapter seven

ugly truths

WARNING      BRIEF MENTION OF ASSAULT!( toward the end )

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( toward the end )

CORDELIA AND DEAN walked side by side in content silence, the Winchester grasped two paper cups of coffee in hand whilst Cordelia took the occasional sip out of her own. She had summoned Dean to silence as he kept going on and on about that kiss she had 'promised' him.

When she finally thought that he was done ⸻ Dean begrudgingly continued. "I mean, you did say, and I quote: you can have that thank you kiss," he stated in a high-pitched tone, mocking Cordelia's voice as he broke the content silence, along with Cordelia's will to live.

The brunette woman sighed and shut her eyes momentarily before she pursed her lips and angled her head to face him, she put on a confused expression. "Did I? I..." she clicked her tongue, "see, I don't remember that."

"A promise is a promise, Cordy," Dean retorted, sending her a knowing smirk as she glanced back at him tersely. "You break a promise..." he sucked in a dramatic breath of air. "Bad things happen. Very, very bad things."

"Yeah? I'll take my chances," she grumbled, catching sight of the Impala.

"Just remember, if you get bad luck... that's on you, I'm trying to help you here, this is me looking out for a friend," Dean continued, a coy tone to his voice.

As Dean grumbled more reasons as to why she shouldn't 'break a promise', as he had put it, Cordelia thought her head was about to explode. So, she let out a sigh of dismay and abruptly whirled around ⸻ her free hand snaked to the back of Dean's neck, pulling his lips to hers.

While it was only a brisk kiss, nothing too explicit, Cordelia couldn't help but feel a burst of... something erupt in her chest. What she was feeling, she couldn't describe it ⸻ but whatever the hell it was, she didn't like it, so she pulled away and flashed him a pearly grin and turned, making her way back to the Impala, but the frown that settled on her face was prominent.

𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐌𝐄, dean winchesterWhere stories live. Discover now