Chapter 70 - Not in Kansas Anymore

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Sam's POV

The minute Tarsa opened that box, I got a cold chill. Everything moved in slow motion. I saw the blades in the box, I looked at Dean and instantly realized how that goddamn blade was once again taking over. I couldn't let that happen. I covered the blades, closed the box and took it from Tarsa's hand.

Dean stood up and faced me belligerently. "Sam, give it to me," he said, menacingly. His voice was raspy, and he looked ready to kill.

"No!" I said, standing up to face him. "Not till you need it. You need to get in control."

"Sam!" he said through clenched teeth.

I grabbed his shoulders and shook him. "Dean, come on, snap out of it. Take some deep breaths. I swear if you don't get control of yourself I will knock you out, don't think I won't."

I saw in his eyes when his wits had returned to him, and he did take some deep breaths. Soon he nodded and said, "I'm… I'm okay Sammy, really." He reached around behind him to feel for a chair and sat back down. I watched him for a few seconds, and then sat back down myself.

Tarsa was looking a bit concerned. "Is everything all right?"

I glanced over at Dean. "I hope so," I said. "It's just that one of these blades you gave back to us is magical, and it's attuned to Dean. It can take control of him. Tell us why you took it in the first place."

"Yes, of course," said Tarsa, looking at Dean with concern. It was obvious that Dean was still grappling with himself. "We had no idea that you would know about us beforehand, and therefore we had no idea you could come prepared. We knew from watching you over time that these blades were special, and that they could be of use to you. We did not know about the magical connection you speak of. We would have liked to take more of your special weapons for you to have here, but taking things is a difficult task for us on your world."

"I see," I said. "And yes, these weapons might well com e in handy." I looked at Dean, and told him, "But I'm keeping this blade, Dean, unless there comes a time when it's life or death and we need it."

Dean nodded, holding his hand over the mark on his arm. "Okay, just sit there a minute," I told him, and I got up and moved to the farthest part of the room. I opened the box and took the blades out. I removed the demon knife and rewrapped the First Blade and pushed it way down to the bottom of my pack. I put the demon blade into it's place in my jacket, and went back to Dean and Tarsa. "Okay, then," I said. "I guess we're ready to go."

Tarsa nodded and said, "The first family on the list has the surname Ogden, and they live in the city of Almara. What we don't know is which Ogden family or individual you will need to talk to." He reached inside his own jacket and pulled out two pouches, and gave one to each of us. "These are coins and gems," he said, "to use for anything you may need to purchase, or perhaps even bribes if you need to. The education you were given should tell you the values of everything."

As soon as he said that I was able to remember the values of the coins and various gems. What a wonderful thing they had here, to be able to impart knowledge this way. "Tarsa, I don't mean to be critical, this isn't our world after all. But I have to wonder how it is that you have so much power and technology here, yet those on the surface remain so poor and backwards."

Tarsa looked very sad at my question. "Because helping the surfacers too much is forbidden," he said, and the way he looked at us as he said this spoke volumes. "The most we have been able to do is cover the cities and larger villages with a protective layer to help keep out the worst of the monsters. Other than that we are not allowed to interfere with them." I decided that this was a good man... being… whatever he was, and hoped that we really could help them get rid of a tyrannical god.

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