Chapter 48 - A Rude Awakening

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Outside the Bat Cave

Andro watched as a construction panel truck pulled up to the garage door entrance and was let in. He tried to get a reading on the driver, but something was not right with this guy's brain. He couldn't read it. He couldn't even get a signature on it. He was about to ask Eskiron, who was sitting next to him, but the Senior was concentrating, and Andro knew better than to disturb him. In a few minutes Eskiron vanished without a word. Andro guessed he'd just need to wait until the truck came back out and see what he could figure out about the driver then.

Sam's POV

When the girls left we took Garth to the rooms we wanted to remodel and explained what we were planning.

"Are you two out of your minds?" Asked Garth.

"Usually," said Dean, "But why let that stop us?"

Garth shook his said and said, "Okay, whatever you say. But I'm no builder. What do you need me for?"

"Well, that's the other thing," I said. "We can't leave here." It took us about three hours to explain it all, where the girls came from, why we couldn't leave the premises just now, and what we were planning to do with the remodeling. He was really interested in the TV show so we showed him one.

"Wow," he said, "That's pretty rad! You mean, I'm in here too?" he asked?

"Yeah, but not yet. All we have so far is Season 1." I said. I noticed Dean was leaving the room a lot, and this time he'd been gone quite a while. I excused myself to go look for him, and I finally found him in the garage, sitting on the floor against the wall. He looked awful, and he was shaking. I sat down next to him.

"This may not work, Dean," I said. "Having Maggie gone may not work."

"It'll work," he said, as though just saying that with enough confidence would cause it to happen.

"Fine," I said. "Then get it together, and let's get to work."

I hated watching him struggle like he was. I knew what he was going through. And it isn't easy. I helped him up and we went back to Garth. "What we need you to do basically is go get the stuff we need," I said. "But use all your spidey senses, because I know we're being watched, and we think they already captured our last guests."

"But, listen, Garth, if they do get you," said Dean, "just tell them whatever they want to know, because they let our guests go unharmed. So just cooperate okay?"

"Whatever you say," said Garth. "But they might not find it quite so easy to get to me."

"That's what we're hoping Buddy," said Dean, patting Garth on the chest. Then he went to the bar and took out a bottle, and carried it with him to the work rooms. We went through each of the rooms and made a list of everything we could think of that we might need. We didn't want Garth going out any more often than was necessary.

By the time the girls came to report, Dean was pretty well stewed. We were in the kitchen grabbing some food when they got there, and as soon as he saw Maggie, he jumped off his chair and grabbed onto her. It was all we could get him to do to let go long enough for them to walk to the viewing room.

Katie was excited. "Wait until you hear this one," she said, and went and put the thumb drive into the computer.

"So that clears up the last mystery," said Katie. "At least I think it does. So all we have left now to worry about is which pile of bricks are going to hit us first."

We spent some time with the girls, but we finally decided it was time for them to go. No one was very happy about this arrangement, but it still seemed like the best thing to do for now.

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