Chapter 39 - Visitor's Day

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Sam's POV

Around two o'clock, Cas showed up. The girls were with us at the time, as they had done all the preparation for the spaghetti sauce, and now it just had to simmer for another day or so. I swear we could smell the wonderful aroma all over the bunker.

Anyway, Cas showed up looking extremely concerned.

"Hello Dean," he said, like he almost always does when he first pops in. "Sam," he said, nodding to me, and "Girls," he said nodding to them.

"Cas," said Dean, "have you found out anything more about what we're dealing with?" he asked.

"Yes and no," he said. I've always hated when he said that. C as took a big sigh and then said, "We have confirmed that Eric Kripke on the girls' world is, indeed, a celestial being."

"Well that's good, right? Asked Dean. "You can question him now, right? And find out what the hell is going on?"

Cas took a seat and looked around at all of us. "Well," he said, "that's the bad part."

"Cas, get to the punchline!" Dean said, sounding exasperated like he does whenever Cas dolls out information in dribs and drabs.

"The thing is," said Cas, "he isn't one of ours. Nobody knows who he is. None of the oldest angels have ever laid eyes on him before. And believe me, they know every angel who has ever existed in our Heaven. He's not one of us!"

Everyone looked as shocked as I felt.

"Wh… What?" said Dean. "How does that even happen?"

"We don't know," said Cas. "And we don't know how to approach the problem."

"I do," said Katie, all of a sudden, which, of course, made everyone look her way. "Remember that movie, I think it was called something like 'I know who you are and I saw what you did?' she asked us.

I remembered what she was talking about and so I nodded.

"Well," she said, "I can go home, find out his contact information, and do something of the sort."

My heart jumped into my throat. "Katie, no, that could be too dangerous for you," I said. "I can't let you do that."

And then she glared at me, and I'm here to tell you I hope I never make her glare like that again. "You can't LET me?" she asked in an icy voice. "You can't LET me?" she said again, even more chillingly, I guess for emphasis.

"Sam!" she said pointedly. "I love you with all my heart and soul. But when Maggie and I got our senses back after we detoxed from our addiction to the gang, we both swore that never again would any man, EVER! tell us what to do or not do again. Now, if you have some legitimate reason why you have objections to this idea, other than a vague feeling that it might be dangerous, I will listen to what you have to say, and possibly even agree with you. But I will NOT do or not do anything because you either tell me to, or won't let me! Are we clear on that?"

Crap! Talk about shock. Right on down to my boots. When I finally found my voice I said, "Yeah, pretty much. Can you please stop looking at me that way?"

She held her gaze on me for another few seconds that seemed like an eternity to me, and then she turned away. I looked at Dean and his expression said he felt about the same way I did, and was probably thanking his lucky stars it was me and not him that got that lecture.

"Okay," Katie said, more normally. "Does anyone have anything to say about this idea, either pro or con? It seems to me like it's the only thing we CAN do. The angels can't help us. It's our problem. And I'm the only one that can leave here right now, so, come on, let's hear it."

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