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I wake up with a start when a hear my phone blaring noise, Pop! Goes The Weasel.

"Argh!" Someone groaned. I jumped again and slowly moved my head to the sound, Jack.

"What the fuck?" I think to myself. "What... What are you doing here?" I asked my voice still thick with sleep.

"Hehehe! You fell asleep on me! I took you to your bed, but you just kept holding on to me.. So here we are, on your bed. You just kicked my stomach too," Jack frowned.

I then look how we're positioned. I was in a fetal position, stuffed into Jack as much as possible, my knee was indeed dug up into Jack's stomach. If I moved my head back to where I had it before I moved it'd be on his chest, and he was looking down at me. His arms are wrapped around me!

Why do I like this?

I don't like him, just this.

"Mhmm sure Emily. Sure," the Voice says. 'Go away Voice,' I say back. The Voice laughs; then fades away.

"I have school," I sigh.

"Sh..." Jack says, his chin falling on my head; then starts snoring. I wiggle around.

"No Jack. I gotta go. Also, my case worker hasn't been around lately, so, I'm expecting her soon. Try not to be here, and try to keep it clean. Okay?" I ask, getting out of Jacks grip, standing up. He nods solemnly. I sigh, but get ready.

"Later, Jack," I say walking out, locking the door. I hear a strange grunt coming from inside, I ignore it, and continue with my day.


The first five minutes were probably the worst part; after that, it was bearable. I closed my eyes and sighed. I look over at Mr. Johns, who is looking at me like a lioness looks at her pray, after the kill. I refrain from gagging and scoffing in discussed, while I wipe his... "Manly fluids" from my hand.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Emily," he says with a smirk, his eyelids closing lazily. I nod and leave the room in a rush. As I walk out, my co-workers look at me in pity; none tried to stop it, and none asked if I was okay. I kept walking.

I decided to take a long walk instead of a short bus ride home. I figured the brisk air would help clear my head. I walked with my head down; hands in my pockets. This part of the city was quiet, besides the occasional drunk douche canoe, it was pretty okay.

I sighed when I saw my apartment building grow closer. I entered the building, going upstairs and walking to my door. I smelled it before I even opened the door, sweet, metallic smell. Blood.

I opened the door, the first thing I saw was blood. Blood smears on my couch, and walls; pools on the floor. Bloody handprints painted most of the wall on my couch. Then, I saw her; mutilated, on my couch, with Laughing Jack standing over her with a sick grin. She looks over at me, as I slammed the door shut.

"Help," she croaked before Jack ripping her heart out.

I starred at the body. "Jack, when I say go. Go. You'll find me," I look at him. "I know you will." I pull my phone out, dialing 9-1-1.

"When I scream, scratch me." Jack nods, not saying anything.

"9-1-1, what's your emergency?" the operator asked.

"He's in my apartment..." I whispered, my voice shaking. I walk to the bathroom, quietly, then sit in the bathtub. Jack in tow.

"Whose in your apartment, ma'am?" the operator asked.

"Laughing Jack," I whispered before I let out a brutal scream, then Jack lashed at my neck, arms, and stomach. I dropped the phone, and grabbed Jacks hand, making a deep cut on my side. "Go," I whisper. Then without a word, he leaves laughing.

I hear the women asking whats wrong, what happened, what is my address. I hear sirens, so I know that they tracked me down. The sirens fade, my vision fades, the world fades.


671 words. 

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