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"In tonight's news, a man was found killed in a local candy store. A man by the name of Chester Johns, the manager of the store was found brutally murdered in his office early this morning by former employees. The most particular thing about this case though, is there is no evidence of an attacker. It was like they weren't even there. The police have made no further statements, and they have yet to release any more evidence at this time."


It's been a month since she's passed. A month since I've felt her warm heart in my hands being crushed and the life was drained from her body.

"It's all my fault. She would still be here if I wasn't so... stupid!" I exclaimed into the open air.

The cold winter air hit my dense cheeks, not that I could feel it anyway. I wish I could, then maybe I would stop feeling so sorry for myself. All I felt was dread.

Images of her smiling, falling asleep holding a box of Cheez-It's, glaring at me, her laying next to me, her dying slowly right in front of me replayed in my mind. Her laughing and yelling, "Jack!" played over and over in my mind like a broken record.

I'm not supposed to feel these things: grief, loneliness. I'm not supposed to care about human life, I have taken it countless of times. But I can't help but feel empty. I've lost all desire to kill, or even eat candy. These human emotions feel unreal.

I'm covered in snow at this point, my hair was soaked and stuck to my face. I stared down at a few kids playing in the snow, making snow angels and snowmen using the light from their back deck. They seemed unsupervised, snatching them all up one by one would be so simple so... easy. But I couldn't bring myself to it. I turned around and started to walk back into the dark woods.



"Charlie, where'd you go?"

I heard rattling in the trees above me and snow began to sprinkle down on me. I look up and something falls down from above in front of me. A body. A small, little boy's body, bruised and covered in blood.

"What the he-"

"You've really lost your touch, Jackie," someone chuckled behind me.

I spun around, bewildered. That voice... it was so familiar. I could almost feel it, my throat burned, my stomach churned.


"Oh, come on, Jack! Forgot me already!" She chuckled, "I might say, I'm a little hurt, hun." The voice now coming from above me, from the trees. "Oh my god! Jack, you swirly nosed monster."

There was a tap on my shoulder, and turned around and saw her. She was pale, her eyes more vibrant than ever. She looked... invigorated.

"You're alive?"

She scoffed, "No, I wouldn't say that."

"You're dead?"

"Yes, I would say that," she smiled.


"Oh, come on, Jack!" She rolled her eyes, "do you not remember you ripping out my heart?"

"How can I forget?" I murmured.

"I'm a ghost, dumb ass! I just didn't want to come right out and say it because it sounds so cliche!" She laughed.

Voices cut through our conversation along with the dim light of flashlights.

"We need to go," I said.


"It's your turn to find me now, Kiddo," I smirked and vanished.


The old rickety building creaked just by the wind that blew through it. The wood had dried out ages ago, the fact that it's still standing is beyond me. I guess since the town has been labeled piece of history, demolishing anything inside would not be ideal. Also, this establishment has been ruled famous for freaks and psychos alike.

"What are we doing here?"

"Do you know what this place is? The history that has been written on these walls?" Emily looked up at me and didn't say a word. "This, is where it all began. Where it all started. Everything from these moments leading up to right now."

She cocked her head and moved about the room. "Is this the same bed? The same floors?"

"They left it here for years. Nobody wanted to come in here, too scared. But once the building was established as a historical building, they took apart this whole room. I guess having multiple murders in here was bad for business," I cackled.

"Shame, it would have been nice to see," she smirked, "but what are we doing here?"

"It's a safe place to talk. Now, can you tell me what the hell is going on?"

"You killed me," I rolled my eyes, "oh stop it! Let me finish! You killed me. For a while it was dark, I don't even remember it, it was just... dark. I can't say much about it, it was like I was stuck in a sort of limbo, it felt like a long time, but I can't... I don't know Jack. But then slowly the darkness got lighter and lighter, until I could see. Then there I was, in my apartment. Then I somehow found you on the hill, staring down at those kids on the hill looking like a pus-"

"Hey, watch it!" I seethed.

She chuckled, "My bad. Anyway, now we're here."

It was quiet for a moment until I broke the silence.

"Do you want to have some fun?" I smiled. Emily licked her lips and smiled.

"Hell yeah."

I grabbed her ghostly hand, "By the way, were you the one who killed that guy from the candy store?"

She grinned, "Maybe..."

I chuckled, "Good one, Kiddo." Our fingers linked together, cold and bony, but I wouldn't want it any other way. "I'll be right back."


He was gone with a puff of smoke, but only for a moment or two. When he returned he had someone with him, a limp body of a man draped over his shoulder.

"Now let's have some fun, shall we?" He licked his lips and grinned.

I chuckled, "Let's get down to business, Jackie."

So him and I, psycho clown entity and insane ghost teenager went at it. Ripping the man apart, limb from limb. Jack blew up one of the lungs and twisted it to form a shape of a dog, which I didn't think it was even possible and presented it to me.

"My lady," he laughed. I smiled at him and took the oddly shaped organ from him and set it aside and continued on our collaborated art piece.

We were almost finished, nothing but the heart was left, as I grasped it in my hands and tightened my fist around the fatal organ I looked up at the clown.

"Hey, Jack, by the way. I love you too."

Then, I ripped the man's heart out. 


1131 words 


It's over!!! It's finally over :'( 

After like 3 years it is finished! 

Thank you guys so much for reading and supporting  me throughout this book, also thank you to those you continued to read even though it may have taken months to year(s) for an update. I love you guys so much!! Thank you! 

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