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"So... What exactly is the plan?" Jeff asked.

 I scoffed, "I just fucking told you!" 

"I wasn't listening," he chuckled. 

"If I could kill you I so would..." I threatened. The threat only made his ever-lasting smile seemingly grow wider. I rolled my eye and glared at him.

I sighed, "I'm going to get close with this chick, or at least she will get close to me... I already got her to open up about her past, and why she was all depressed... It'll be easy." 

"Why don't you just kill her now? I mean why drag it on longer then it has to?" Jeff questioned. 

"Well Jeffrey, the little bitch isn't scared of me...," he gave me another questioning look. 

"You know that feeling you get when your victims scream? And try to run, even though you know that they will die anyway?" He nodded. 

"Well, she doesn't do that. She sits there and stares at me like I'm the coolest thing ever! And she laughs at pain! Have you ever met someone like that?" I asked. Jeff shook his head. 

"Hmph," I sighed.

"That still doesn't explain the getting closer thing," Jeff says. 

"She thinks she isn't lonely. I do. She is comfortable around me. So I'm going to gain her trust and become her 'best friend'. But then, I'll leave, for a while, making her feel so lonely it'll drive her crazy. Then show up to kill her," I explained confidently.

Jeff was quiet for a moment. Then, he spoke, "All you'll get out of it would be making her go insane. And even that isn't full proof, you don't know that she will even get close to you. If she does, she might just get depressed when you leave, not insane. Also, this seems a bit cocky, you make it seem like this chick will fall fo-" Jeff was caught off abruptly by me slamming him into a nearby tree by the throat. 

"You know, you can be really annoying sometimes," I wined, then dropped him.

"I'm just saying it isn't full proof, the girl obviously isn't scared of you, so you won't get the terror that really drives you... You said she laughs at pain, well she will end up enjoying her murder more than you," he pointed out. I sighed and glared at my... Companion? I can't say companion... Acquaintance? 

Yeah, there's the word. He had a damn point, but I already knew all this shit. I've been following Emily for a while now, longer than I usually watch my victims actually, so I am pretty confident about this plan. 

"Trust me on this one, Jeff... I got this," I said. 

"Just don't fall in love with her," he joked. I looked at him in horror.


"Jack is a psychotic murder.

Jack is a psychotic murdering clown.

Jack is a psychotic murdering clown who kills children.

Jack is a psychotic murdering clown who kills children and took your mother fluffin' candy!"

My mind was reeling, trying to find reasons not to get all "comfortable" with Jack, or explanations about what the hell happened last night. Well, not exactly what happened, but why they happened. So far no reasonable explanations have come to mind. Some non-reasonable ones have though. Like, the real Laughing Jack was abducted by CreepyPasta Monsters space look-a-likes and they sent the one who looks like Jack to replace him. And this one isn't a murder.

I mean it could be possible?

That's what am sticking to. Jack is not really Jack, but an alien version of himself. Mhm... Alien.

"Miss. Hill!" A shrill voice broke me out of my reverie. 

"Yeah?" I asked nonchalantly. 

"Why aren't you paying attention to my lesson?" She scowled. God is it just me or doesn't it seem like she's whining? I sat up from my slouched position and looked right into her beady eyes. 

"Uhm... Well, I was extremely bored. And I figured that my thoughts would be more interesting," I paused and sighed. "And let me tell you, Mrs. Jones, they were." I was being honest, I was bored! Some kids scoffed, some started laughing, and the rest sank back in their chairs not wanting to be called out for not paying the least bit of attention either I assume.

After a stunned moment, Mrs. Jones finally spoke up, "Miss. Hill, I expected more from you-" 

I cut her off, "How can someone expected more for someone when they don't even know a thing about them?" I asked. I just couldn't keep my mouth shut, word vomit of the smart ass just kept coming out. 

Mrs. Jones huffed, literally, the bitch huffed, and narrowed her eyes at me, "Please leave the classroom Emily." 

"Wait! So I can go?" I asked excitedly.

 "That's generally what 'leave the classroom means'," she snapped. I quickly packed my stuff and left the classroom.

I've come to know the 'arts' of bugging the hell out of teachers and throwing them off so I can leave about two years ago when my life kinda went to shit. But it pays off, especially in Mrs. Jones class since it's my last period, and there is like forty-five minutes of class, which means I have... an hour and fifteen minutes 'til I have to be at work. When I got out of the building I decided to go to the park and walk around because I didn't want to go home.

'I walk a lonely road

The only one that I have ever known

Don't know where it goes

But it's home to me and I walk alone

I walk this empty street

On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams

Where the city sleeps

And I'm the only one and I walk alone.'

Green Day is great.

This song started playing in my head for the literal reason that I am walking down the sidewalk in the park where there is no one. Well, not no one, there was a kid about six years old on a swing set by himself, so I wasn't alone technically. But that kid over there looks lonesome. Shouldn't he be in school? I sat down on a park bench contemplating whether I should go over to the young child and talk to him. Right before I could go up to him, a figure popped out of nowhere in front of him. 

 "Oh... Shit. Kid better run! He's gonna get you! He is gonna get you good, so before he does...Run!" The thought bounced off the walls of my head but never reached my vocal cords. Laughing Jack tapped the poor boy's shoulder, the boy's head snapped back in fright, and when he saw Jack, he almost fell out of the swing, if it wasn't for Jacks abnormally long arms that caught him, he would've. 

The kid was clearly closed off and wouldn't even talk to Jack. 

A smirk grew on my face, "Ha-ha Jack, not this kid." But my smirk fell when the kid smiled and grabbed candy that I didn't see Jack offer him. The kid hopped off the swing and skipped along the sidewalk with Jack not far behind.

Jack turned his head, facing me and smiled that toothy smile of his and waved. I waved back but my wave was half-assed. He smirked, then turn back to the kid who had stopped and waited for him. They continued to walk together, something Jack said made the young child laugh hysterically.

I laughed at myself, I actually thought that kid would be safe from Jack, with his headstrong aura, that looks that made him seem that he just wanted to be alone, which was why I didn't approach him when I first saw him. Then I remembered, no one's safe from Laughing Jack.

Not even me. 


1279 words  

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