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I am in love with an egotistical, almost two hundred-year-old, psychopathic clown man with the attention span of a young ADHD boy who just consumed ten pixie sticks, who may or may not be a figment of my imagination. God, when did my life get so messed up?

I look up at Jack who was talking about one of his past conquests, he had just got to the good part, I could tell by the way his upper lip curled and his lower lip went under it, but I wasn't paying attention, he was describing their screams, but I couldn't be bothered with it, I had other things on my mind.

Other things such as this wound, I am 95% sure it is 100% infected, but I don't know what to do, it isn't like we have the resources to do anything, I guess I'm just going to die here, with Jack.

"What is wrong with being with Jack?" Jack asked cocking his head to the side, throwing a piece of salt water taffy in his mouth.

"Wha-what?" I was perplexed, "was I thinking aloud?" Jack giggled.

"Yes you were, but it was cute."

My eyes widened and my head went down, my hair covering my face, hopefully hiding the ever growing blush on my- well entire face. It didn't work.

"What? Hasn't anyone ever called you cute before?" Jack asked.

"Uh. No?" What. Is. Happening?

Jack leaned across the makeshift box table we were sitting at, grabbed my chin and softly pushed my head upward, forcing eye contact. Jack looked up and down, side to side, all ways horizontal of my face, his eyes hovering on my lips, then back to my crazy eyes.

"Yup... Beautiful," he whispered. He then made a face I have never seen before, one eye up, one down, and his mouth opened wide. I was confused, but before I could question it, Jack sits down and the door opens to our new home for the next few days.

When did my life turn into a God damn Wattpad story?

The old worn down warehouse creaked under Toby's footsteps.

"Hey-ey, guys!" He smiled and sat on the floor next to me and Jack.

"What's the haps'?" Jack asked jokingly, but his tone was serious. Toby takes a long look at me, then leans over to Jack.

"I-I need to ta-talk to you priv-ately," Toby said quietly. Jack gave him a confused glare, he looked at me, I had a feeling that he didn't want to leave me. I gave him a reassuring nod and a smile. I didn't want him to leave my side, but some things are more important than my wants and desires. Jack stands up, towering my sitting form and Toby's now standing one, they walk a couple feet away. Toby, our information coordinator and adviser of the outside world, told him what was going on. As much as I strained to hear all I could make out was.

"We needed to leave y-yes-yesterday." and Jack saying, "She's not well," muffled sounds, "to leave." Toby made a dramatic sighing gesture, "We lea-leave tom-m-morrow!" Jack nodded and looked at me, a glint of worry shot through his eyes.

Jack walked over to me and pulled me up carefully.

"Let's go my beautiful little princess! Time for bed, we are leaving tomorrow morning."

"Boy, you're such the charmer, Jacky!"

Jack growled in response to my giggling. He picks me up delicately, bridal style and takes me to our little sleeping area.

"You know Jack, I can walk on my own," I say casually. Jack sets me down.

"I know," he said quietly, using a finger to push back the hair that was covering my face behind my ear, "maybe I just like you against me like that, a little helpless, the way your small, womanly body just fits in my arms so... easily." His words sent shock waves throughout my body, they were threatening but exciting all at the same time. I couldn't even give an audible response, all I could muster up was a smile and a few quick nods.

He smirked, "Bed?" I nodded.

Jack flopped down on the old wood floor, got as comfortable as he possibly could, and motioned for me to join. This is how it's been for the last two weeks, Jack would not let me sleep on the floor with no cushion underneath, so his "solution" was to cuddle, or I sleep on him. Tonight was one of that we cuddled. I laid down next to him, immediately getting wrapped up in Jack's arms and warmth. He pulled me into him and I rested my head on his stomach, our legs intertwining. I sigh and close my eyes focusing on Jack's fingers under her shirt, soothingly circling my stitches.

Jack kisses the top of my head, "Goodnight, Kiddo."


801 words


Sorry guys that it has been so long. I don't know when I'll have chapter 12 up, but for those who are still reading, chapters 1-11 have been updated, edited, and revised. 

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