authors note <3

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Hello i just wanted to say thank you all for reading this story it means so much that 46 people like my story enough to read it.

The first time i look at the vewis it was 5 and then it was 11 and i was so happy to even get 1 reader but weeks later i see 46 readers  it made me so happy to see that what i wright is actually interesting enough for you to read.

I just am so thankful that you all have stuck with me all this time with the slow posting and the miss spelling ( agian sorry for those ) . I know my chapters are short but im trying to make them longer so there is more for you to enjoy.

My family have been nothing but supportive with this story and to hear that the reads keep going up it makes them happy to see me happy doing something im passionate about and not giving up on this.

I hope that my story makes you happy and that the next story i wright after this one will make you happy as well.

I know this story isnt 5 star quality but i belive it is my best and that i am happy with it.
Thank you for reading this im currently working on the next chapter and will update as soon as possible.

< 3 < 3 < 3 luv you guys and thank you agian for reading i really appreciate it

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