Training~ Yin/Ging

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▪□Ging P.O.V□▪

'Damn, it was already nightfall. I was hoping to get back to the cabin before night. Oh well, cant help it can I?

Oh? What that over there?? Something white? Could be an bandit, better be quiet.'

Using Zetsu to seal my presence, I silently walked closer to the white creature. Nothing here in this forest is white so, the only other thing it could be is a bandit or something.

Walking even closer, I noticed the black specks on the white object and the color of skin.

Since I use to always stay in the forest when I was younger, all 5 of my senses were heightened. They were better than a dogs.

But looking closer at this thing, it looked more like a human than an animal. Walking even closer, I didn't realise the twig under me that I happen to step on.

I deadpanned at myself. I was supposed to be a skilled hunter but here I was not even noticing something so simple as a twig.

The white creature stood up, looking pretty weak. Looking at it again, I noticed the creature was a young boy. And the huge white things I saw earlier were actually wings!?

I kept looking at the boy for a minute until he spoke up.

"Come out now. I know your there. I can see you." I sighed before walking out from the bushes.

"I'm sorry. I was on my way back home when I noticed you here." The boy gave me a look, a look saying he didn't believe me.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Ging Freecs." I introduced myself, walking a little closer to the boy.

Looking at him now, he looked awful. He was covered in cuts that were infected and big yellow bruises cover his skin, along with old scars. What did this boy go through?

Plus he had on old ragged pants that barely even covered him up.

"I'm Yinishino Uchiha." He told me, his guard still up.

"Listen kid, if I was planning to attack you dont you think I would of already done so?" I asked him. He looked at me for a second longer before dropping to his knees.

"I guess your right." He said, his voice sounding very tired.

"I have a cabin about 5 minutes from here. I'll take you there so that we can get you cleaned up. And maybe a pair of clothes." He nodded, his eyelids threatening to close.

I walked over to the boy, turning around before hoisting him up on my back.

"I can walk-"

"No you cant. Just a second ago it was taking all your strength to even stand." He sighed in defeat, laying his head on my shoulder.

"Get some sleep kid."


▪□Yin P.O.V□▪

Comfy. I felt comfy. I never felt like this in my entire life. All I've ever felt was the opposite.

I opened my eyes looking around. It looked like I was in a house? I wasn't sure since I never lived in one.

"Oh your awake good. I'm going to put you on the bed while I get a bath ready for you." I looked down to see the man from earlier.

He placed me down on a grey covered bed. It was weird. I haven't slept in a bed since the last one I made in my oak tree back in the village.

"Oh I forgot to ask, can your wings get wet or no?" He turned around, facing me. I looked at him before looking back down.

"I dont know. I didn't even know I had them until a few hours ago." That feeling at guilt started building back up inside me. I couldnt help it.

"Well I'm just going to assume they can. Since their feathers and not butterfly wings then I think it may be alright." He walked off to what I assume was called the bathroom.

I sat there on the bed looking around the house some more, trying to get my attention off of my wings which I still had no luck.

My wings didn't hurt as bad as before but the pain was still very much there. Compared to the rest of the wounds on my body, none of them hurt as bad as my wings.

I sighed still looking around until my eyes happened to land on a picture in the room. I wanted to look at it better but the Ging man was back and already bringing me to the bathroom.

"Ok do you think you can take those shorts off or do you need help?" He asked me, setting me on the toilet. (And yes I know what a toilet is).

"I-I got it." I grabbed the hem of my worn out trousers, wiggling them off of me. It took me a minute but I managed to get them off though it left me physically tired.

"Ok let me see your hand, I'll help you into the tub." I hesitantly gave him my hand.

I was still being a tad cautious around him. Even though he hasn't showed any signs of aggression, I still had a bad time trusting people due to my past events.

I slowly sat in the water, feeling the tingling sensation of the warm water hit all my wounds.

"If you dont mind me asking, how did you get all of those wounds and scars on you?" Ging asked me while washing my hair.

I looked down, debating whether or not I should tell him. With a deep breath, I started telling him what happened to me during the past up till now.

"Hmm. Just because you were different than your clan doesn't mean they should of treated you differently. That's just wrong. And this Orochimaru fellow. I've never heard of him but he seems like a top level bad guy. Also the Akatsuki, never heard of them either. But that Orochimaru guy, what he did was wrong. But not to worry, your here now and I'll make sure he doesn't try to come after you."

Ging washed my back and wings carefully. For some reason I felt a little better after telling him about my problems. It felt like a huge weight was lifted off of my shoulders.

"How do you feel about training Yinishino?" I looked up at him with a huge smile ok my face.

"I like Training!"

Male Oc x Hisoka (Hunter x Hunter) Naruto x HxH crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now