Whats the hunter exam?-Yin

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▪□Yin P.O.V□▪

It had been two years now. I am 17. I had been through some hellish training with Ging. But its not like I can complain.

He taught me all about Nen which I at first had no clue about. It took me over 3 days to master the basics of it which Ging freaked out about. He told me that a normal person would of never learned it that quick, that it usually took months to learn.

I was pretty surprised by myself when he told me this. Back in the village, when some of the clan members would see me using difficult jutsu's at 3, they would say I was a prodigy. Though I had no idea what a prodigy was and just thought it was another name they were using to harm me.

After I had learned the basics, Ging had me do a small test with a leaf on water to see what my Nen type was. Apparently he said I was a specialist, whatever that meant. To be honest I kinda started zoning out when he explained it to me....hehe. '^-^

After we found out what Nen type I had, he told me I needed to find out what to do with my specialist ability.

Since most specialist steal abilities or can tell the future, I decided to change mine a bit. I could steal others abilities but it was only temporarily, but when I stole their ability, I would be able to see their future through their ability I took.

I also made my own nen weapon which took a while since making it was more of a Conjuration ability. But after weeks of practice, I made one. I could make highly sense ice mirrors that cause enemies to become trapped after looking into the mirrors. They would face their deepest fears facing the mirrors which may or may not cause them to pass out.

I didn't know since I've never tried it on a person, just a snake.

Once I had learned all of that, Ging trained me with physical strength and also to strengthen my wings.

We had a debate on whether or not we should hide them. In the end we decided we would though during training, he had me exercising them everyday. That mainly delt with flying.

Even though I went through intense training (even worse than using raw strength), Ging told me that I was ready for the Hunter exams.

Me being naive to this new dimension- oh ya! I forgot to mention. Ging and I came to the conclusion that I was teleported here since shinobis apparently dont exist in this world anymore. Except for a few but they know nothing of Jutsu.

But Ging told me all about what the exam was about and that it would help me later on in this life if I had a license.

"Yin. Do you have everything? Are your wings hidden?" Ging asked me, leading me to a small little restaurant.

"Yes I have everything I need. And Yes my wings are hidden." I turn around slightly to see if my wings were showing which they weren't.

I was able to shrink my wings abit thanks to my chakra but they were still pretty noticeable.

I had to wear baggy knee length pants with a slightly tight shirt. The jacket I had over though his everything. It was a black fleece with the uchiha symbol on the back. I sowed the symbol on myself.

Right now we were walking inside the restaurant, an old man behind the counter greeted us.

"Welcome. What can I get you fellas?" The man asked.

"Is the backroom open?" Ging ask the man.

"What will you be having?"

"The steak combo that opens your eyes for the light for one."

"How do you want them cooked?"

"Grilled over a flam until cooked."

At this point I was very confused.

"Let yourself into the back room." The chef told us.

We walked to the backroom. I waited until the door was closed until I asked Ging.

"Hey Ging, what was that all about?" I looked down at him, confusion completely visible on my face.

"It was the password to get you to the hunter exam. Were about to be there." He motioned towards the light on the elevator.

The elevator stopped before opening slowly.

"Be careful ok? I'll be back at the cabin or exploring somewhere. If you need me just call ok?" I nodded my head before giving him a small but quick hug.

"I'll be back with a License. Just you wait." I walked out of the elevator, watching the door close.

I walked to the small group of people, waving shyly before a small little green man came up to me.

Welcome number 43. Here is your badge. Keep it on your chest at all times." The little green man hands me my badge which I pin onto my hoodie.

After pinning my badge, I walk over to a corner of the room, sitting down before falling asleep quickly.

Waking up to shuffling, I saw a short chubby man in front of me.

"Hey. You must be new in the exams. The names Tonpa." I stand up, looking down at the small man.

'He has a dark smell.' I thought.

"Names Yinishino Uchiha. What do you want?" I asked him, being cautious of him.

"No need to be rude. I was wanting to offer you a drink for our new friendship." He laughed nervously, holding out an orange soda can.

"No thanks. I dont like bubbly drinks." I told him walking away from the man.

"H-hey come on. Just one sip ok!" He ran after me, grabbing my arm. When he grabbed my arm I had a small flashback.

"Let go!! I said no!" I yanked my arm from him, giving him a small glare. He slightly chuckled nervously before walking away. I sighed with relief.

He had bad intentions. I can tell from his body language and the sense I smelled.

I looked around the room. Noticing there were a ton more people that before. I cant believe I slept that long, if I were to sleep any longer, I would of missed the exam.

Getting thrown out of my thoughts, a wall from the front of the room starts moving upwards, revealing a pale purple haired man.

"Welcome examiners. The log in time is now up. The first phase of the hunter exams begin."

Male Oc x Hisoka (Hunter x Hunter) Naruto x HxH crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now