Clown- Yin/Hisoka

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▪□Yin P.O.V□▪

I turned around slowly, seeing the fuschia haired man standing there. How the hell did he get through the tower so quick?! It even took Ging at least 50 minutes to finish yet it took him 30!!

He must of known the layout of this tower some how. Theres no other way he could of finished so quickly unless his nen was teleportation, something with flying, or something that can help him stick onto walls. But that's not the case.

He went through the tower, not down the side like the five of us did. So how the hell did he-

"My my. You seem to be lost in your thoughts~♤." I felt something snake around my waist, squeezing me a little to tight, probably going to leave a mark later.

"Let go you clown." I growled lightly, pushing him away, or trying at least.

"Oh~? And why should I?" I opened my mouth to snap at him but someone done beat me to it.

"Let go." I turned my head to the right, seeing Kurapika with his eyes glowing red. I flinched, his eyes reminded me of my clans eyes though they didnt show the Sharingan.

I turned back to Hisoka, glaring at him but that only made it worse. His grip just tightened and his smirk turned more sinister.

"How adorable~♡. That look just makes me aroused." He licks his lips which makes me shutter.

Without even realizing it myself, I done slipped out from his grip using a substitution jutsu. He looked at the peice of rock suprised.

"Next time I'll just cut your arm off." I hiss at him, still shivering from his touch.

The feeling of his touch still lingered. It felt weird but at the same time oddly comfortable. Part of me still wanted to be held by this man longer.

"H-how did you do that!?" Gon and Killua ask.

I turn to them.

"I'll tell you later. But right now we got to keep an eye on him." I tell them, pointing at the fuschia haired man.

▪□Hisoka P.O.V□▪

My hand, it felt cold and empty. The warmth from him was gone. I wanna hold him, squeeze the life from him though at the same time I dont.

I wanna see blood run from him but the thought of hurting him slightly bothers me.

All of this confused me. I need to find out more about this man. I will find out more no matter the cost.

▪□Yin P.O.V□▪

Kurapika, Gon, Leorio and Killua sat all around me, glaring at the clown man from before. I couldnt help but deadpan.

I didnt really need protection. I was strong enough to defend myself. Though I'm not fully sure how strong I am. Ging had told me i almost was at his strength but needed more training.

"Um guys. I'm good. I dont need any he-"

"Dont you see how he's looking at you?! Like hell you dont need help. He's a blood lusted pervert." Killua snaps. I sigh.

"I'm probably stronger than him. I can defend myself."

They look at me, still not believing a word I just said.

I put my head on my knees. 'This is gonna be a long 72 hours.'


72 hours finally passed. It was horrible with tons of mental fighting but now we were out. No more suffocating aura.

"Congratulations to the contestants that passed. We will now begin the phase on Zevil Island. Now the phase is simple."

Lippo kept talking so I ignored him. I looked up at the clouds, seeing the different shapes but my cloud seeing was quickly over.

My wings throbbed, screaming to be released from my clothing. I flinched and squeezed my fist.

I couldnt let them out until we reached to Zevil Island. But even there is will be risky.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, turning to see Kurapika.

"Your bleeding. Quit squeezing you hand so much. And let's get you another jacket or something. Your wings are also starting to bleed." He whispered. I looked at my hand a tad bit surprised. I had no clue I was squeezing it that hard.

"I can get a jacket from my seal. You know, now I regret not learning any medical jutsu." I laugh nervously. He just looked at me with a worried look.

"Number 43 come up and take a card." I turn my attention back to the ugly glasses man. For some reason he reminded me of Kabuto.

Sticking my injured hand in my pocket, I walked to the card holder thingy, pulling out a random card from the box and walking back.

Walking back to my friends, I passed Hisoka. He gave me his creepy smirk before looking at my hidden hand. I shivered before walking faster to the group.

I may be stronger than that guy but his bloodlust is no joke. It would make anyone stop in their tracks and shake with fear.

Once everyone got a card, we unpeeled the label. My card showed number 80. I looked up quickly seeing a tall woman with red tinted hair and black glasses. When we made eye contact she quickly hid her badge.

I sighed.

"Ok people. You must find the person badge number that you have and collect it before a weeks time. If you fail to find that person you can always collect 3 more badges. Just your badge alone is 3 points and you need 6 to pass to the final phase. The person with the badge number you have, their badge is also 3 points. So if you collect theirs and have yours, you will have six points. Other badges that you didnt draw equal 1 point."

We all nod our head, understanding Lippos explanation of the exam.

"Ok, everyone aboard the ship. It will take 2 hours to reach Zevil Island."

I paled. 2 HOURS!!!! I dont know if my wings can last that long! They might end up bleeding too much for my liking.

Damn, I hope I have a tight black jacket.

Male Oc x Hisoka (Hunter x Hunter) Naruto x HxH crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now