An obsession? -Yin/Hisoka

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▪□Yin P.O.V□▪

After the small bean man and the Hunter examiners, I turned to look at the small group of 4.

"Guys I have an idea though it may be scary for some of you." I told them, earning horrified looks from Kurapika and Leorio.

"Dont tell me you suggesting...THAT." Leorio gulps loudly while the other two boys look at me excitedly.

"I mean ya. Though it will be free falling until we get closer to the ground. When we get closer to the ground no one should be able to see my wings clearly unless they have super senses like Gon here." The two older males looked over the edge again nervously.

"Well I guess you have a point. And it would be quicker than if we took a path inside the tower. I dont think this tower just randomly earned this name. It has the name for a reason." Kurapika states, taking deep breaths.

"That's correct. Trick tower is like a maze. If it weren't for my teacher who had done did this phase, I would of never known about the phases."

"If you dont mind me asking Yin, who is your teacher?" Gon asked.

I froze there for a second. Ging had told me that if there was a boy named Gon at the exam, dont tell him who my teacher is. But only problem, I dont know Gons last name and there could be tons on boys named Gon.

To play it safe I decided to tell them my old teachers name.

"Fugaku. I never did learn of his last name though. He would never tell me." I told Gon, keeping the best straight face as I possibly could. From the looks of Killua, he didnt believe me whatsoever.

"O-ok!! Let hurry and get down the tower shall we?" The all nodded.

"So how we going to do this?" Killua ask me.

"I can carry two people in my arms. I need someone to hang onto my waist and someone hang onto my leg." I instructed them, mainly directing it to the two older males. I picked Gon and Killua up in my arms.

"How come they get to be carried?" Leorio ask, slightly irritated.

"Because were smaller." Killua tells the grumpy teenager.

"I'll hold onto your waist and Leorio can hold onto your leg." Kurapika walks behind me, latching onto me.

"Thay will work. Leorio come on." I called for him. I know at this point we were getting tons of stares but oh well.

He stands there for a second, sweating nervously before walking towards me and hugging my left leg.

"Everyone ready?" I ask. The nod. I nod back before jumping off the edge.


▪□Hisokas P.O.V□▪

I cant believe what I just witnessed. Did the boy really just jump off with the other boys? Was he trying to kill them?

My grin made itself know onto my face. That boy is something else. He must of had some plan up his sleeve before jumping.

I want to fight him. I want his blood in my hands. I wanna see the fear in his eyes as he realizes I am overpowering him.

Oh~ thinking about him gets me excited. I must watch the boy closely.

▪□Yins P.O.V□▪

The air whipped through my hair, flying all around. I know that this whole plan was tricky and dangerous but its quicker than spending hours in that tower.

I looked at the four that clung to me, well 3, and chuckled. They were scared for their lives except for Gon. The boy had excitement in his eyes.

I then looked down towards the ground, we were very close towards it. Looking back up, I didnt see anyone looking over the edge of the tower so I took the chance and opened my wings. It did rip my shirt and fleece but I wasnt too worried about it.

Gently flying the rest of the way, I landed gently, the three males still sticking to me like glue with their eyes shut.

Gon was the first to jump down.

"That was awesome!!!" He yells with his fist in the air. The others then start to let go of me.

"Hey your wings are still out. We need to hide them before we go inside." Kurapika said, looking at the snowy owl wings.

"I will, I just need to take off my shirt and fleece first." I told them, already taking off my jacket.

"What are you doing!? At least give us a warning before stripping!" Killua yelled with a blush, turning away from me, along with Leorio and Kurapika.

"Why? We're all guys here. You saw me half naked last night anyways." I stated, making the confused Gon nod in agreement with me.

"Still....... you just look more feminine than masculine that its feels wrong to watch." Killua mutters, still holding a blush. I wasnt sure if I should of felt offended or what but I just shrugged and continued what I was doing.

With both of my shirt and jacket off, I used a jutsu to shrink my wings down to the size of normal wings. I figured how to shrink them last night while everyone slept. It helps alot but still puts a strain on my back and wings.

Once they were shrunk, I placed my clothes back on, tapping each of the males shoulders to signal that I had finished.

After that was done, we walked to the side of the tower. Building up chakra in my fist, I punch a huge hole in the wall, probably permanently damaging it.

"We can go in now." I walk into the tower, ignoring the shocked faces from the others.

"Congratulations. Contestants number, 43, 99, 405, 404 and 403. Time is 20 minutes and 34 seconds."

Both Gon and Killua give me a huge smile, making my cheeks flush. I fell onto my knees shaking. I wanted to adopt these kids so bad!!!! It's illegal to be that cute!!

"H-hey Yin you ok? Your wings aren't hurting are the- HEY!! YOUR JACKET AND SHIRT IS RIPPED!!!" Gon yelled, making me snap out of my fanboying stage.

"Oh, I ripped it when I was bringing my wings out. It happens." I laugh awkwardly.

"Here, use my Tabard until we get you a shirt." Kurapika says, starting to take his Tabard off. I stop him.

"Keep it. Since the part of my wings that are showing are white, it just looks like bandages. I doubt anyone will question it."

"Question what~♤?" I froze. That voice was all too familiar.

"Number 44. 30 minutes and 45 seconds."

Male Oc x Hisoka (Hunter x Hunter) Naruto x HxH crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now