Toss your dirty shoes in my WMH

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Izuku POV

"Izuku thank you for everything you've done for me.........I just can't do this anymore. We should just stay friends" Sho said as tears trickled down my face, I held my head low.

I sniffled and brought my head up "Dont worry about it. Its okay........." I said smiling looking into his heterochromia eyes, He placed his hand onto my face cupping it "Dont let me get in the way of you finding happiness, I just feel like we are meant to be friends nothing more" he says apologetically.

"I understand" I said as we got up from the couch "Thank you for healing me" he hugs me once more "No problem sho" "Great, I'll get my bags" he said leaving me in the living room.

He was my boyfriend, the one I truely loved so much but I knew as much as he did he still loved his ex-girlfriend.......It was the best decision for the both of us. Im so used to being people's healing toy when they want me.

He got done as he kissed me on the lips "Love you Izu" he said smiling walking out of the door. I closed it and slid down it........crying as rain poured on the roof of the apartment. "Why me?" I said to myself wiping my tears.

I dont have anyone to love nor care for............Im all alone in the world. I guess I'll stick to what I do best, being someones healing tool. I slightly laugh at myself and got up to take a shower. "Hey Alexa" *Bling* "Play Washing Machine Heart by Mitski" I said and it started to play.

I brought the speaker up stairs and turned on the shower, striping myself of my clothes and hopping into the warm shower which fogged my glass cover. "Toss your dirty shoes in my washing machine heart baby, bang it up inside~" the speaker said loudly.

I loved this song so much because its so relatable, people always come to me as the all knowing person who can heal you. But......its not true, sure I can make you happy but as much as I make people happy I can never seem to make myself happy. Maybe I just haven't met that person.

I let the water flow through my hair as I sang along to the song "I know who you pretend I am, I know who you pretend I am" I said as my tears mixed with the water that flowed from my face.

"Toss your dirty shoes in my washing machine heart~"

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