Baby will you kiss me already

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Izuku POV

Katsuki and I relationship has been kind of on and off, hes the same but a little more distant with me. Sho didn't even know we work at the same Cafe but he didnt mind of course.

Katsuki on the other didnt really like the fact I was working with my ex, maybe he was a little jealous? I don't know but everytime he sees Sho he gets upset for some reason.

3rd person POV

Izuku and Sho were talking about some random things but Izuku didnt want to get to deep into things. "Sho can you hold the counter for me?" Izuku asked and Sho nodded.

"Welcome to The Cafe how may I help you" Sho said without looking up as he was writing "Usual" Katsuki said and Sho looked up "Sure" Sho cracked a forced smile. It was gunna be some time until it was done.

"So? Who are you to Izu?" Shoto asked "None of your business" Katsuki said typing on his phone "It is, he's my best friend" he said "Sure he is. He's only dealing with you because he feels bad" Katsuki said which was half true.

Izuku didnt want to make Sho feel any way. But he still wanted personal space with Sho, "Thats not true" Shoto said not believing an inch of the mans words. "Yes it is and you know it. He's with me now" Katsuki said smirking and Shoto grabbed his collar "Dont you dare touch him" he said.

Izuku came in to see the two as Ura and Asui tried to break the two up "Hey Katsuki what are you doing?" Izuku said "Nothing. Floaty is it done" "Yea here you go" she gave him his drink as he walked out.

Well Izuki caught him before he did "Wait for me outside" he said. "Ura can I take my break now?" "Yea, you can leave if you want. We have it under control" she said. He walked out without saying a word to Shoto who felt really bad.

Izuku went outside, "Lets sit and your car and talk please?" Izuku said and he nodded. It was silent for a while until Izuku spoke up, "Katsuki, why have you been so distant lately with me? You only talk to me when im around Sho or Mitski?" Izuku asked.

Katsuki sighed rubbing his nose bridge "Its not that important right now" Izuku looked at him "Yes it is, its effecting how I see you right now" Izuku said. "Fine, I dont like you hanging out with half and half" he said referrinh to Shoto.

"What? He's just a friend now" "Well he once was an ex-boyfriend right? He still has feelings for you that you obviously cant see" Izuku was a little taken back "What? No he doesnt Katsuki. Even if he did I already told him I dont want what we had because he's just like you" Izuku slipped those words out.

He only thought but somehow he told "What the fuck does that mean?" "It mean just like you your still in love with your ex Katsuki. I can see straight through you, I've been through this more than you could imagine. He still loves his ex but wants me and I cant do that......" Izuki said straight forward.

This hurted Katsuki as he felt a sharp pain in his heart "Mk, well come by the house like usual. Mitski wants to see you" he said not making anymore eye contact. "Alright" Izuku said. He got out of the car as it drove off.

He went to talk to Sho, which was simple and easy. He sighed feeling a little over whelmed to his brain so he went hom and took a nap before his babysitting. He still didny understand why Katsuli was jealous of Sho......maybe because Izu was closer to him.

Izuku went home to calm his nerves and no, he wasnt going to listen to Washing Machine Heart......Just yet. He plopped onto his bed sighing, "Its so boring now......I dont want to go back to work either" he said a loud.

He started to think about what Katsuki said in the car "He has feelings for you that you obviously cant see"......Wow, Sho doesnt love me like that anymore. He'a not the one for me, Izuku told himself.

His phone rung as he looked at the user "Kats" he cocked his head a little confused as to why he was calling him -


"I need you to come to my house" Katsuki said so straight forward.

"Why? I have like 3 hours Kats" Izuku said feeling hungry for some reason.

"I know, I dont care. Come now" he hung up.

"What the hell" Izuku said aloud. He sighed getting up to go pick up something to eat before he got ready to leave.

Time Skip~~

Izuku POV

I made it to the house as Wyn let me inside. "Wyn whats going on?" "A-ahem Master Mitski is not feeling well" he said and I went up the stairs to see Katsuki in her room standing over her as she was on the bed wining   as her face was red.

"Mitski?" they both looked at me and started to cry "Izu my head hurtssss" ahe cried and I came over and sat on her bed "Wyn can you hand me the aid kit really quick" I said and he bowed walking away.

"Kats why didn't you take her to the hospital?" I asked him "When it first started she only complained about her head hurting. I gave her some medicine and she fell asleep. She started to sweat alot so I woke her up" he said, dipshit thats still not a good reason.

"Mitski-" I turned my head to her but she climbed on my lap hugging me. "I want to sleep" she said "Wait baby dont go to sleep just yet" I said carrying her into the bathroom as Wyn gave me the aid kit.

I sat her on my lap as I took her temperature "Its at 97.5, she has a mild fever" I said grabbing some of the kids medicine and gave it to her "Izuuuu its nasty" she said "For me Mitski" "Okay" she pouted "Bleg" she said and I laughed a little.

"Okay baby you can sleep now-" "Can you hold me?" She said "Mmm" I held her as Katsuki only watched as I did what I did. She fell asleep on my shoulder "Thank you" Katsuki whispered to me.

"No problem, she'll be better in a few days. She is going to sleep alot". "Thank you for this" he said rubbing his neck "Dont worry about it" I said, "Stay with us" he suddenly said "Okay, but only  for your daughter" I said to him as he nodded his head.

I tried placing her down but her grip around my neck titghtened "Mmmmm Izuuuu stay I dont want to goooo" she wined. I looked at Katsuki who shrugged with his hands in his pockets. "Can we go to your room then?" I asked as he nodded..

We got comfortable on his bed as it was still in the afternoon so a little light shone through his black curtains. Mitski was asleep in between us as she held my hand "Shes really attached to you......." "Yea, shes never been so attached to someone. One night she told me she wanted you to be her mother" I turned my head to him.

"Her mom? I could never replace the woman who birthed her" I said simply "True but you could be like her" I hated those words, almost as if he thinks im her in a way.

"Izuku would it really be that bad if you just gave in to me" he said and it caught me off gaurd "Yes because we both know who you love Katsuki. You still love her and I cant replace her" I said looking dead into his eyes.

"But......just..... one" he said leaning into me and my body wouldnt move away. Our lips touched as they moved into sync. I kissed him as he kissed me, it didnt feel bad at all. He held my face as I didnt pull away.

3rd Person  POV

Izuku fell in love more with the man who was a little similar to him in a way. A man who loves his ex wife from first love, but he yearns the love of the green haired boy. Izuku afraid to love the man because hes scared he'll get used like times before......

But in this moment in time they both seem to forget the probelms that they have. They only wanted the kiss that was shared by one another.......was it lust? Or was it Love?

"Baby will you kiss me already~"

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