Toss your dirty shoes in my WMH

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Izuku POV

"Thank you come again" I said as the person smiled driving off. "Welcome to The Cafe how may I help you" I said. They ordered and came up to the window giving me the money. I finished up until I had to leave .

"Bye you guys, I have to go to work" I smiled at them "Bye bye!" Asui yelled from the back as I laughed. I had some new great friends, I got home and dressed into some comfortable clothes and waited around fixing myself some lunch.

An hour passed by pretty quick as I drove to the adress, I drove to a mansion as I double checked it was the same address. And sure enough it was the same one, I pulled up into the drive way as a man in a suit came up to me "Baby sitter Izuku?" he asked and I nodded my head "Great follow me" he said.

I did into a beautiful house interior and exterior, I wowed as the man brought me into a room, which looked like a meeting room. "Master would like to meet you" he said and I walked inside to see the same face from yesterday.

"Oh" I said lowly. He got up without even looking at me "Ahem Master, the Baby sitter is here to babysit young master Mitski" my eyes widen as he looked up and It was the same man from that time.

His daughter was named after my favorite singer of my favorite song, what a small world "Oh its you. Take care of my daughter, I'll be back at 8 sharp" he said walking out "U-um do you need me to do anything specifically?" I asked fidgeting with my fingers.

"Yes, make her happy while im gone" he said staring me down. He walked away, "Follow me, Young Master Mitski is awoke" he lead me to her room and it was soooooo cute.

She looked up at me looking just like her dad with her pretty ruby eyes. "Uncle Wyn who is he?" he asked "This is your new baby sitter, Mister Izuku" he said and I waved at her.

"No, I dont want a baby sitter I want papa" she said on the verge of crying. I walked up to her crouching down "Your dad is working, he wouldnt be happy about his  daughter being mean would he?" I said.

"No, papa would get mad at me" she said frowning a little "Alright what do you like to do" I said "Uh play with my puppy, Shes really nice but she sleeps alot. Um I like to watch TV" she smiled.

"Okay, did you eat?" "Yep" she said hopping off her bed grabbing her plushie. She grabbed my hand and led me downstairs, Shes so cute "How old are you" I asked her as we walked down the hallway "Im 6" she said.

I placed her on the couch and turned on the TV "Izuku can I have a yogurt" "Mhm" I said and went to the fridge to see it packed with yogurts "She must really like yogurts" I said grabbing one. I gave it to her as she ate it watching MelonCoco.

We played games, played with the Pomeranian who was a little cold to me but I didn't mind. She was now asleep on my lap, I was watching Criminal thoughts and it was 7:59. He came through the door looking at me.

He sighed throwing his shirt off and came up to me. He held his hands out and I tried giving Mitski to him but she held my shirt  "U-um im sorry she wont let go of me" I said and he laughed "Shes always a koala when she sleep" he said.

"Mitski let him go" he said "But paaaa I dont wannaaa" she said hugging me "Im so sorry" I mouthed "Mitski your dad is here and he wants to hold you" I said "Really? I miss Pa" she said and I slowly detached her from me.

"Thank you Izuku" he said rubbing his daughters back "No problem, same time tomorrow?" "Yes, Im gunna come hope a little later tho" he said "Alright I'll be on my way" I bowed to him and walked out the mansion.

I drove home thinking, "I wonder were his wife is?" I said shaking my head.


"Good morning Izuku, Today you have the counter since I have to go to the back. You okay with that?" Ura said patting my back "Mm hm" I said.

I was writing, well scribbling on paper waiting for the next customer. "Blingggg" the bell of the Cafe chimed so I looked up and I see the same man who goes by the name of Bakugo........Ive never actually heard his first name.

"Let me get my usual" he stood over me, "Mk um Bakugo right?" "Mhm" he said pulling out his phone. i wrote his name down and put 'Usual for Bakugo' and gave it to Ura.

"Um can I know your real name? We havent introduced ourselfs properly" I said looking up at him. He sighed putting his phone down, "Katsuki Bakugo" he said holding his hand out, I smiled "Izuku Midoriya, you might already know that" I said.

"Mmm, never did I think you'd be my daughters baby sitter" he said leaning on the counter "Me either, shes so sweet" I said "Mm im surprised she was nice to you. She has a horrible temper somtimes" he said "No I dont believe it, she is too sweet" I said.

He shook his head, I was going to say something until Ura came up "Here you go- Oooo~ you two seem a little close" "It's not like that" I said feeling my face heat up. "Shush floaty. Thanks anyways" he said grabbing his drink leaving.

I don't know but I feel a connection with him, almost as if we're living the same life.

I did continue my babysitting job at his house as his daughter got really close to me to were she would cry when I left. Katsuki got close to me too and we eventually talked on the phone.

He's not all that bad, I still wonder what he's hiding when it comes to his life. He looks as if he's missing something or.......someone.......

"Toss your dirty shoes in my washing Machine heart~"

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