Toss your dirty shoes in my WMH

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3rd Person POV

Izuku melted into the kiss wiping away all of the troubles he had of being used. His love for this man finally took over as he didn't let the kiss go.

Katsuki was the first to pull away "You dont know how long I've waited for this, but my mind told me not to......." he said staring into Izukus green emerald eyes. "Same for me" "Stay with us for a while longer, anything you need i'll take care of it" he said.

"I-i dont know about that" Izuku said nervously "For me" he said holding Izukus hand "I guess. But Im gunna go home later to get my clothes and things" he nods his head as they sat in comfortable silence.

"Kats, we're friends right? I mean we never really clarified what we were so....." Izuku said as Katsuki turns his head over to him "Yes, we can be anything you want us to be" this made Izuku's face and ears a little hot.

"Okay, but maybe we should get to know each other a little more you know?" Izuku asked "I guess, where do I start......Well im an only child. My parents live in the US right now. And im actually surprised at how much ive changed......I used to be such a hot head.....But....." he stopped as Izuku was confused.

"But?" Izuku asked curious "Well I met her, and since we are getting to know each other her name was Y/n, she changed my life. I loved her so much but she betrayed me and somehow my heart still loves her......She was a great person and mother and still to this day I dont know why she left. She never said anything to me when I caught her" he said looking down frowning.

"She did leave Mitski back with me probably beacuse she didnt want to look at her. She looks just like me if anything" He sad "Hey dont talk down on yourself like that, I doubt she would do that. She probably felt to guilty and whenever she looked at Mitski she thought of wrong she did you......" Izuku spoke softly.

"Right....." "Well im an only child, my mom is dead. Been dead for a while now......I dont know my father either, ive always been in a relationship but they never turn out well.......almost as if people use me. I dont know how to explain it, but its kinda nice having a few friends now" Izuku smiled at him.

"What do you mean they use you?" Katsuki asked. "Well funny thing is this one person compared me to a washing machine, She's in the US right now but when I had gone through my second break up she told me 'Hey Izuku you're kinda like a washing Machine. You know like that one Mitski song' she said and I laughed. I never thought I was a washing machine until she told me the song lyrics and every thing. So I now basically consider myself as a Washing machine" Izuku said laughing a little.

"You said the artist name was Mitski? That was Y/ns favorite singer at the time. Wow what a coincidence" they both laughed "Have you ever listen to the song?" "Only once, all I know is its a pretty sad story" Katsuki looked down shaking his head "Mmm true. But its the most relatable person or song  to me. Probably why I sing it almost everyday" Izuku said looking up at Katsuki.

"Only if you want but could you tell me more about yourself?" he asked and Izuku nodded. "Well there really isn't much to say to be honest" Izuku let out a nervous laugh "Well im pretty sure there is something special about you" Katsuki insisted but Izuku simply shook his head until he finally thought of something.

"Well its kinda childish..." "Its fine" Katsuki reassured letting out a small laugh. Izuku concentrated and crossed his eyes then he slowly moved his left one away as the right was still centered. He finally made the left one do circles as the right stayed in the center. Katsuki was so surprised words couldn't even form in his mouth.

"Are you okay, Youre face looks stuck" Izuku laughed a little "Its just im shocked- How could you say something like this is childish? Coolest thing ive seen in my life honestly" he said as Izuku blushed "I-its nothing. I only called it childish because people always said it was" he covered his cute freckled face hiding himself of embarrassment.

Katsuki took his hands down "Then those fuckers are dipshits" he spoke and it only caused Izuku to turn red as a beet. "O-okay" he nodded. Out of the neediness Katsuki planted a kiss onto Izukus lips as Izuku was surprised.

Izuku once as always melted into the kiss holding the side of Katsukis face. Both mouths moved in sync, wanting more of each other Katsukis lips trailed down onto Izukus pale neck. Izuku tried not to moan as he knew the little girl was asleep next to him.

"K-kats ngh~ w-wait a minute" he said through pants. "What is it" he said wanting more of Izuku that he wasnt really able to hold himself back at all. Before Izuku could answer Mitski moved around as they stopped all movement.

Izuku held his breath hoping that the precious girl wouldnt wake up. "C-can we at least put her in her own bed?" Izuku asked him in a low whisper. "Mhm" he got up gently grabbing her up. He walked out rocking the little girl ever so slightly.

Izuku sat up thinking about what just happened as his palm clashed onto his mouth. 'Are we really gunna go that far?' 'Would he leave me after?' 'Should I give him consent' were just about half of the questions running through his mind right now. He was going to loose it until he heard the door open.

Katsuki had locked the door "Dont worry. I wont do anything to you unless I have consent to.." he spoke planting himself next to the smaller who simply nodded.

Izuku was thinking long and hard and decided...what if he let his guard down just a little bit. He did have feelings for this man and decided that it was worth feeling broken if Katsuki uses him.

He took a deep breath and spoke "W-well what if I said that I gave you consent" he played with his small hands scared to make the slightest eye contact with Katsuki.

Katsuki softly pulled the smallers chin to his face as they were only inches away. "Then i'd say 'lets do it'" he spoke and Izuku kissed him hungrily. He never thought he'd be in this position to be onto of this man.

He was hungry for this mans touch and was unable to control himself any long. He let his guards and worries down as he let Katsukis hands travel all over his body. It felt nice for him to do something like this...infact he loved this.

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