Baby, bang It Up Inside

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Izuku POV

It was the next morning as I tried finding myself a job, Sho never let me work as he felt he should be the one paying my bills since he didn't want to make me feel some way.

He took care of me physically as I did mentally. I seen a job interview at a cafe "Why do they have interviews for these things?" I asked myself. I got up and slipped on some jeans and my red shoes with a green sweat shirt as it was a little chill today.

The weather has been really gloomy these days, I logged off the website and headed to the place. I got out and walked inside to see 3 cheerful girls talking "Welcome to Kally Cafe" the brown headed girl smiled at me which was quite warming.

"Um are you guys still hiring?" I asked "Of course we are. Here's the application" She said handing me a clipboard and I did it, I guess this was the 'Interview' I said to myself.

Name- Izuku Midoriya

Age- 24

Goals- To become a very nice worker here, to make people smile

Kinda Ironic how I hate doing that even though I'm the best at doing it

I was still writing when someone came inside and I looked up to see a tall handsome blonde man, with piercing red eyes. He was very handsome with b
his suit on, I held my head low and finished the paper.

"Alright Bakugo it will be done in a few" the brown headed girl said as he sat down right behind me. It was only 3 people here without including us two, I felt a little nervous in his prescience.

I finished as I walked up to the counter giving it to her "Perfect. What beautiful name you have, well your hired!" she said as I was confused as to why they didnt look over it or anything. She explained it to me and the reason was they never had anyone who wanted to work here so she just let me in.

"Im Uraraka but you can call me Ura, this is Asui, and this is Momo" she said and I smiled at them. "Oh my gosh im so ready for you to start, your going to work in drive thru. You get payed 10 dollars per hour and you work 5 hours in the early morning" she said as I nodded my head.

"Hold on, Bakugo your drink is done" She said and the man who was at least a foot or two taller came and got his drink. He took a sip and smiled "Great job floaty" he said and she pouted "At least you got a compliment" Momo shrugged.

He looks down at me as I stared back, he tched and walked away out of the door "Dont worry about him, hes a normal customer" she said. "When do I start" I asked "OH you start on tomorrow" she said and I smiled.

Sho was calling me so I waved the girls by and picked up the call getting into my car "Hello?" "Is it okay if I come over for a while? Just to talk. I dont want things to be awkward" he laughs a little.

"Sure, i'll be home in a while" "Mk" he said and I hung up. I realized my rent was a lot more than I would make here so I need a second job. As I was driving I looked at a website and it said "Babysit" I mean I do well with kids so why not.

I waited till I got home to fill everything out. I picked up some breakfast since I didnt eat anything. I got home and took off my shoes plopping on the couch filling out the website.

I got finished and as if right on que I heard a knock on the door and of course it was Sho. We talked about stuff from our past as my phone pinged "You have been Hired!" it said and I smiled.

"What are you smiling about?" he asked "I got applied for a baby sitting and got accepted" "Thats cool, you are pretty good with kids" he says and I smile "I am". We talked for a few hours as I had a good laugh until he had to leave.

I sat there on my couch reading the accepted note, "Come at 11 in the afternoon-" I read. Cool I have a one hour break after im done with my job at the Cafe.

I smiled doing my daily routine of playing Washing Machine Heart, the song is to relatable to not listen to. Funny thing is I only work for one man, he is a single father of a baby girl. I think this will be a fun experience.

"Toss your dirty shoes in my washing machine heart, baby bang it up inside~"

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