Maybe we would Kiss tonight

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3rd person POV

Izuku and Mitski were now asleep on Katsukis shoulder who thought about his actions, he felt it was right but his mind said other wise.

He carefully took Mitski up as she clung onto his shirt, he placed her into her bed and covered her up "Love you baby" he kissed her head and walked out the room. He came back to his room to see Izuku now asleep under his cover and he didnt mind.

Maybe it was because he was feeling something towards him, sortta like the feeling of love again from his ex wife. Izuku did remind him of his wife, when she was still inlove with him.

He took off his shirt, hoping in bed right next to Izuku who was knocked cold out by the comfortable sheets. Katsuki stared at the boy, he ran his fingers through his hair feeling his curls become a little looser.

"I never knew you were faking smiles, they looked so natural" he said to the boy. He sighed rolling over shutting his eyes for rest, but before he did that he called out. He wanted to spend time with his daughter and maybe Izuku if the boy was willing.

Time skip morning~~

Izuku woke up feeling a large arm draped over his waist as his face was burried into a pillow. A hand kept picking at his face "Mmmm" he groaned until he opened his eyes to see a little girl smiling in his view which cracked a smile on his face.

He the shot up when he realized he was late for work "Ura!" he yells as Mitski was confused "Who?" He got up picking up his phone dialing Uras number "Ura im sorry im going to be late" "No its okay!! We got a new employee named Shoto Todoroki" his heart dropped "Really? Well I'll see you tomorrow" he said and hung up.

Izuku couldnt believe that Shoto was working with him, he did love his best friend but he still needed a little time away from him though they talk. Just thinking about him brought back memories of when they were together and he was trying to move on from the pain and find love.

"You okay Izu?" Mitski asked him "Yea im okay. I have nothing to do today sooooo" he said looking back at Katsuki who shrugged "Pa lets go to a fair" she said jumping up and down.

"Come here" he said and she jumped into his arms as he swung her around. Her cute giggle filled the air as Katsuki kissed her cheek. "Okay princess go ask Wyn to pick you out your outfit" he dropped her as she ran out.

I was about to turn around when I ran into Katsuki's chest "Holy shit" I said rubbing my head as he held me a little "My bad" he chuckled. "Um can we stop by my apartment? I need some clothes" I said stepping back a little.

"Yea, let me get dressed real quick" he said running one hand through my hair which surprised me a little. A small smile crept on my face as he walked away, I slapped my face to try to stop myself from smiling "Dont get high hopes Izuku" he told himself.

Time Skip at Izuku House~~

Izuku POV

"Izu I want to go innnnnn" Mitski said and I let her, well her father too. They came in "Sorry it isnt much" I said "Its fine, princess dont mess up Izukus house" Katsuki said sitting on my couch. "Okay pa" she said sitting down cutely on my couch with her dad.

I went upstairs and took a good shower and put on some comfortable clothes, it was warm but had a chill so I wore some sweats. It's really lonely in here huh, I said to myself. I walked downstairs to see Mitski and her dad talking.

"Im ready" I said and they stopped talking "What were you two talking about" I cooed at them "Nothingggg~" She said grining and I wasn't buying it. We got into the car and drove to the Fair.

We played games and laughed around "Pa! Pa! Pa!" Mitski kept yelling at her dad who sighed "What is it princess?" "Can you win me that" she pointed to a huge fluffy Unicorn. "Of course baby" he said ruffling her hair.

"10 dollars please" the man said and he payed and started the game. After me laughing for 10 minutes straight and he spent 40 dollars he finally won. "Dont laugh at me" he said pounting "I-im sorry that was too funny" I said.

We walked to the farris wheel as Mitski kept awing over her stuffed animal "Im really starting to like you" he said which caught me so off gaurd I almost tripped "Woah" he said catching me just in time. My heart kept pounding out of my chest.

"Pa and Izu lets goooo" she run up to me pulling my hand leaving Katsuki behind. "Im comming" I said and we finally got there.

"I havent been on a farris wheel in a while" I said out loud. I totally lost track of time as the sun was almost setting......He grabbed my hand as we got into the cart "Pa we're up so highhhh everyone looks so tiny" she said looking out the window.

It was a nice sunset as I felt kinda, happy for once. I felt so happy to be like this with someone, but the pain came in when I didn't even know if he had feelings for me.

I looked out the window until he slightly tapped my shoulder and I turned to him as our noses were an inch away. We never broke contact as I did what my instincts told me to do.......

"Kiss Him"

I held his neck as we both slowly leaned in as I was ready for impact. "PA- Oh my gosh grosssssss" Mitski said covering her eyes and I pulled by in a quickness "Im so sorry" I said "Its okay" he said nervously laughing.

The rest of the ride was a lot awkward, I cursed myself out, He dropped me off at my house as Mitski was asleep in the back. "Again im really really sorry" I said "Trust me its fine. It wouldnt be that bad......if we" he said slowly leaning in to me but I placed my hand on his chest.

"We cant, you still love her dont you? Its not right if you love her........and I know I havent really came out with this but I'm still healing from a relationship too. Lets take things slow you know?" I said and though it hurt to say I had too, I knew he still loved her.

"You're right, see you tomorrow" he said turning away from me, I sighed going into my house. I threw my shoes off and went upstairs and stripped myself to take another shower from all the people I was around.

Once again feeling the urge to play the song so why not "Hey Alexa play Washing Machine Heart by Mitski" "Playing Washing Machine Heart by Mitski" she said.

I took a bath this time to soak myself

3rd Person POV

Of course Izuku wanted to kiss the man but he felt like they were rushing, it finally came clear to him Katsuki did have some feelings but deep down he did love his wife. He didn't want to rush Katsuki and His relationship at all.

But he did want that kiss, he felt he wanted to take time.......the number one reason why was because his heart was telling him Katsuki was the one for him.

"Im not wearing my usual lipstick I thought maybe we would kiss tonight~"

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