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Guess with with his word against mine,
I'll always be the villain in this story.
He's a sweet innocent boy in your eyes,
Your sweet little boy if you must.
But are you there every time he made me cry?
Tell me to stick it out things will get better,
But my days are only growing longer and darker on the other side.
To you I may be selfish and cruel,
But what's the shame in doing the right thing.
Stayed by his side even after he cheated and lied,
Part of me knew I should've left and said goodbye.
But with all my heart I loved that boy.
Double crossed with barriers over my heart,
You've scarred my perspective of love.
Nobody will ever know the truth that lies inside, they'll just assumed I just stopped trying and gave up the fight.
When all I did was suffer in silence,
After giving my all to the person who couldn't do the same.

Emotional Rollercoaster 😵‍💫 Where stories live. Discover now