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After hours of sleep, James woke up. He could tell everyone was awake, as there was loud noises filling the whole mansion, as usual. James got up, grabbing his stuff. He looked at his long paper and grabbed ut, heading to the living room. Everyone, surprisingly, was out there. They all looked at him strangely, wondering why he had this bag. Jeff spoke up first, "Hey James, what's that for?" Hs sighed and cleared his throat. "Everyone, gather around...I have news." Everyone, including Sally, gathered on the couch. James walked to the door, holding up his paper. "Friends and...ah screw it, I don't need this.." he crumbled the paper and threw it. He looked at everyone and sighed. "Guys...I'd love you all...a lot. But I feel as if I can't stay here and be a proxy...I'm sorry to say, but I'm leaving." Everyone's eyes lit up instantly, all of them with sadness. Sally began to wail and Toby began to just scream. Everyone couldn't believe their ears. "James, please don't go!" Everyone said, including Jack, whom he never really got along with. Alex just sat there, but without her usual straight face. She had one of sadness. Slenderman went to him and sighed, "James, if you are to leave, you must know own thing: I need those powers of your back." He tilted his head with confusion and asked, "Why? Aren't they technically mine, as I am your altered?" He shook his head and said, "If an altered leaves, they must be put to normal. James, you worn have any special powers. Are you sure you want this?" His mind began to race with thoughts, which led him to another question. "Will HABIT be bale to posses me?" He shrugged "He can, but I doubt he'll want to stay." As soon as Slender finished his sentence, we heard the disembodied voice of HABIT. "YEAH, I NOT STAYING. I NEED STRONG HOST." I sighed once more and looked at Slender. "Do it." He nodded snd everyone looked, still sibling and wailing.  I felt his hand touch my shoulder, to which a green aura came out of it. I felt my body grow weaker and my memory to become hazy. Everything I was and had become, gone within seconds. I looked at him, and hugged him. "Goodbye, Slender." He hugged me back, then let go. I opened the door and began to walk out, not looking or turning back.

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