seven. - RAINY DAY

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"you still mad cause you had to sit in the back?" you chuckled at bakugo while you drove

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"you still mad cause you had to sit in the back?" you chuckled at bakugo while you drove. the rain sort of calmed down to a light drizzle but it was still kind of dark and gloomy outside. you had just dropped kirishima off at fatgum's agency since he didn't really like driving in the rain and for whatever reason bakugo wanted to tag along too.

he looked away from his phone to glance at you before he scoffed. "whatever. you know this is my seat."

"didn't know you was claiming ownership to a seat in my car." you told him, mocking his tone. "you hungry? there's a [favorite restaurant] near the dorms."

"i can eat." he said plainly as he scrolled through his phone. you rolled your eyes at him; he'd been a little more quiet than usual today and you thought it was from what your friends were saying about y'all earlier on discord. you weren't gonna lie, it was bothering the fuck outta you too. anytime you asked yourself if you had feelings for katsuki, you never really had a straight answer. you knew that you felt something for him and that this something was growing the more time he spent with you. you didn't know if he felt the same but you weren't ready to ask either.

you quickly snapped out of your thoughts as you pulled into the drive-thru at [favorite restaurant] and ordered for you and katsuki.

"thank you sweetie, have a good day!" you told the cashier as they handed you your drinks and bag of food. you pulled up and parked to make sure that everything was in the bag before your friend spoke.

"can we eat here?" he asked as he turned to look at you.

"in the car?"

"yea. like a date kinda."

your eyes widened at his, a smile slowly growing on your face. bakugo flashed a small smile back at you with a light blush tinting his cheeks. you turned the car off and turned the music down before moving your seat back to get comfortable.

"this is a platonic date but don't tell mina cause she'll talk about this shit for months." bakugo reminded you while emphasizing on the 'platonic' part.

"right." you nodded in agreement as you handed him his food. you unpackaged your food and began eating while you thought about what your friend said. 'platonic date. nigga, what the fuck is a platonic date?' you thought to yourself as you stared off into space while digging into your meal.

"what're you thinking about?" bakugo asked you softly as he took a sip from his drink.

you decided you wanted to be honest; you were tired of holding everything in and you thought being honest would help understand when and why you started feeling things towards your friend.

"well... you, to be honest."



"were we making out, or–"

𝐓𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐒 ; k. bakugo Where stories live. Discover now