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"so y'all haven't said a word since?" mina questioned as she waited for you to finish getting ready for school

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"so y'all haven't said a word since?" mina questioned as she waited for you to finish getting ready for school.

today was monday, the first day of alumni week and you mind was everywhere but in the moment. it had been days since you and katsuki last talked, and even then that was on discord. you felt bad about avoiding the irate boy for days but in all honesty, you wouldn't even know what to say to him to make it all better.

"yup. i hate that he was right though," you sighed as you did the last finishing touches on your hair before grabbing your uniform tie.

"you know how to tie a tie?" you asked mina, who was sitting on your bed.

"sorry babe, jirou did mine for me and she already left with momo."

"damn it, katsuki usually does it for me."

you groaned as you slipped on your house shoes, grabbing your school sweater and your phone before signaling to mina that you were ready to go.

"which shoes friend? the brown loafers or the red converse?" you asked your pink haired friend. you have been sitting next to everyones shoes by the front door trying to decide on footwear for the day for 10 minutes already before a gruff voice behind you spoke up.

"you wear the brown loafers everyday. switch it up."

you turned around and saw bakugo walking up with sero, kirishima, and denki. denki was holding in a laugh, tears brimming his eyes and you didn't see why until you made eye contact with katsuki.

all you did was shake your head at denki, looking away knowing that if the two of you made eye contact both of you would burst into disrespectful fits of laugher.

you began to unlace the red high top converse and slip them on before bakugo spoke up again.

"anytime now." the blonde said impatiently.

"chill, it's only 8:15 and we don't have to be there until 8:45," mina said as she checked the time on her phone.

"nah he's right, we have to be there way earlier than y'all. i guess we should head out now?" you said in more of a question than a statement before glancing back at your friend behind you.

"yeah." was all he said in response while he watched you stand up and slide the teal school sweater over your head.

"we're going off campus to get breakfast but we'll bring y'all something back!" sero called out to y'all once everyone was outside the dorm building before parting ways.

you waved goodbye at your friends before walking in silence with bakugo to the main building.

you were the first to speak up after a dreadful 5 minutes of silence.

"nice hair, blondie."

"SHUT UP YOU ASSHOLE, ITS STILL WET!" he yelled back at you in embarrassment. he had to wear his hair down since he had took a shower that morning and his hair wouldn't dry fast enough for him to put gel in it.

"it was a genuine complement dummy, i'm just not used to you rocking it down like that." you shoved him playfully, not even phased by the yelling since he does it all the time.

"you're an asshole and a liar, my hair does not look nice. i seen the way you and denki looked at each other when we were walking up, over there holding in laughs n shit. fucking haters forreal." he mumbled while pouting, looking straight ahead as he did.

you smiled to yourself as you looked at him; this was the most the two of you had spoken in days and it made you nothing but happy.

"katsuki." you stopped walking and waited for him to follow.

"what?" he noticed you stop and turned around to walk over to you.

"can you help me with my tie?" you sheepishly held out your red tie and avoided eye contact knowing he was probably gonna be irritated that you couldn't do your own tie, as per usual.

he only nodded before taking the red fabric from your hands, lifting your shirt collar and wrapping the fabric loosely around your neck.

"you want an actual tie or just the bow like usual?" his tone was soft because he knew there was something on your mind that you weren't voicing to him and he wanted to know what was wrong, but you were unaware that he knew.

"an actual tie."

the boy went to work and tied the tie, letting you know when he was finished before fixing your collar so that you looked neat.

you tucked the tie into your sweater before the two of you began walking again.

"hey, i'm sorry. i shouldn't have came at you like that just because i wasn't ready to hear the truth. i know you only want what's best for me and i shouldn't have punished you for that." you told him. your heart was racing, nervous for how he would take the apology.

"i know you are. i'm sorry too, i shouldn't have said all that shit about you being an extra and acting like i didn't care about you potentially getting hurt. i know i'm not the type to be super open, but i really do care about you a lot and have a lot of love for you." he tapped your nose gently, his way of letting you know that you had nothing to worry about.

"that little break from you was boring as hell. i wanted to talk to you and apologize so bad but i didn't know even you even wanted to talk to me," you admitted to the boy.

"yeah, you're always all up under me so i kinda figured." he smirked before you rolled your eyes and playfully backhanded his arm.

"mmtch maaaan you be the main one asking to spend the night in my room and asking to be around me."

he only laughed before changing the subject; the conversations the two of you had lasted until you entered your school's main building, heading to the auditorium for the kick off of alumni week.

the two of you went backstage where most of the alumni were and hung out there since there was still about 15 minutes to spare. todoroki showed up not long after y'all two, and the three of you, mainly you and todoroki, conversed about random happenings while eating the breakfast your friends had bought for the three of you.

everything was pretty nonchalant as students began piling in the seats in front of the stage, until that is, you heard a familiar voice call your name.

"y/n, is that you?"

you turned around in your seat toward the voice, hoping it wasn't who you thought it was.


- WORD COUNT ; 1134

𝐓𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐒 ; k. bakugo Where stories live. Discover now