fifteen. - TICKLES

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"what's wrong with you?" denki asked as you slammed your dorm room's door

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"what's wrong with you?" denki asked as you slammed your dorm room's door.

you groaned as you tossed your bag in a random corner of your room, looking around and noticing that you had an audience; your whole friend group was in your dorm room waiting for you to come home, as per usual.

"let's smoke and talk about it friend," mina spoke up from your bean bag chair. she could tell the kind of day you had, it was clear as day on your face.

you only nodded as you climbed on and sat on your bed with katsuki laying on his side behind you.

the group continued chatting about whatever it was they were talking about before you came in except for the blonde behind you, who kept poking your side to get your attention.

"hm?" you said quietly.

he only held his hand out toward you, a gesture to get you to hold his hand. you raised a brow at the action, completely forgetting about the bet that was set a few weeks ago and that your friends in the room were under the impression that the two of you were a thing.

once it clicked, you finally placed your hand in his and interlaced your fingers with the other's. you watched with a racing heart as he brought your hands toward his lips to place a kiss on the back of yours, smiling at the act of affection.

well if you weren't confused about your feelings for katsuki bakugo, you were now. you couldn't tell if he was doing the act simply to play pretend for the bet, or if he was genuinely doing it to make you feel something. whatever the case may be, you decided that you'd figure that out later because your mind was preoccupied at the fact that his hand was so comfortably warm. unbeknownst to you, the reason the boy's hand was as warm as it was was because he was so unbelievably nervous to hold your hand; he'd never held your hand formally before, at least like this, so his nervousness made him sweat enough for his quirk to react slightly.

he hoped that you wouldn't catch onto this fact and that his nerves would calm down after this small session in your room.

"y'all, i found out so much shit today it just ruined my whole mood. sorry if i seemed out of it," you apologized to your friends before taking a long hit of a blunt mina had just passed your way.

you blew out the smoke as your friends nodded and reminded you that you didn't have anything to worry about.

the audience in your room went back to paying you no mind to you or katsuki as they went about talking about things that they were excited for, things that they were nervous about, the future in general. you hated thinking about the future, so you just checked out the conversation and decided to mess with katsuki while still holding the half smoked blunt in your hand.

"sit up." you whispered almost in a firm tone to the blonde that laid beside you as you pulled him up.

"why so serious?" he asked as he shifted his body so he was sitting up next to you, the two of you still hand in hand.

𝐓𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐒 ; k. bakugo Where stories live. Discover now