Chapter 1 - This isn't gonna be a normal week.

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Your POV
I woke up to another day in the Horde. I hopped off of my bed and flipped the middle finger to nobody in particular, more like the entire world. I'm concerned for people who actually like life.

I put on the uniform that was designed for my wolf features.

I put on the uniform that was designed for my wolf features

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(This is the uniform I'm going to imagine you in. Feel free to imagine something different. THIS ART IS MINE! DON'T @ ME!)

There were loose sleeves so that heat could escape and I wouldn't overheat. My tie was ripped, and I didn't bother to get a new one. I had running shoes and a military patterned undershirt.

I grabbed a baton and slammed it against the wall, making everybody jump up, and Adora got into a fighting stance. "Wha-" I laughed. "You guys should have seen the looks on your faces!" The others just sighed. "Don't go back to bed, we have training in 15 minutes." That got their attention.

We arrived at the training room, but as usual, Catra wasn't there. "Where is Catra?" The higher-up asked. "Don't worry, I'm sure she'll be here soon." Adora said. "Yeah. If I know Catra, she's gonna show up last minute." I added. Last minute, or the minute that all the bots are gone... The higher-up just gave us a look, and opened the door.

We began the training exercise and, of course, Kyle got distracted and taken down by a bot. "Seriously, Kyle?" Adora sighed. "Bra-vo." Lonnie frowned. "Honestly, Kyle. How have you stayed in the Horde for this long?" I rubbed my temples. Rogelio just grunted and shook his head. We moved on, Rogelio stuck with Kyle for a bit longer and got struck down, Lonnie slipped and the ground triggered her sensor, and soon it was just me and Adora. I needed a game plan.

Adora took down one of the four bots, and I defeated two. I hid behind a column, awaiting the sounds of Adora defeating the last bot to fill my ears, but instead I heard a yelp, and a pole extending. I peeked over to where the sound came from, and saw Catra standing over a hole. "Hey, Adora. How's it hanging?" I snickered, knowing that Adora was most likely, hanging off of her staff in the hole. Literally. "Catra. That is low, even for you." I could hear Adora's upset face. "Aw... you know nothing is too low for me." Except for waterfalls... "Now come on! You look stupid hanging from down there."

That's when I saw the sensors on Catra's chest. And here I thought it was gonna be easy. I stuck with my natural technique when there were two other people left. I waited until Adora was escorted out by Catra, silently inching closer. And as soon as Adora was off training grounds, I lunged at Catra. I technically wasn't interrupting anything. Adora was off grounds. I triggered the sensor on Catra's chest and stood up.

"Good job. You did awesome today." I told Catra. She only grumbled and grabbed my outstretched hand. "Finally, you got first place. For the one time in your life." She muttered. I only smirked, knowing that I should be celebrating. But I didn't. "Congrats, Y/n!" Adora ran over to us. She noticed me and Catra's intertwined hands, and her face fell a bit. She grabbed our free hands and held them up. "Today was... er... interesting but it was fun, nonetheless!" She said, trying to stay optimistic. I looked at her and Catra's faces. I smiled at their expressions. Their eyes were filled with determination to win next time, but they were also happy for me.

"Hey, threesome! You done, or are we gonna have to stay here for a while?" Lonnie shouted. My face turned a bright red, and I'm pretty sure that the same happened to the two girls beside me. "Hey! Speak for yourself, Lonnie! You seem to have a three-way with lizard and dorkus here!" Catra shouted back. I chuckled, and walked to the locker rooms with my hands in my pockets.

We went into the locker room where we got ready for the training session after lunch. Catra jumped over to Adora, who was trying to get her stuff together, and decided to have some fun. "You should've seen your face! You were like, 'AHH! NOO! BETRAYAL!'" She said, dramatically falling to the ground. I chuckled a bit and joined in on the joke. "And when I tackled Catra right in front of you! You looked like you were ready to stab someone out of fear!" I laughed, also falling to the ground. "Ha ha, very funny. When will you two stop these childish- IS THAT A MOUSE??" Adora shouted suddenly. "WHERE?!" Catra leaped up while I merely peeked my head up from behind the bench.

Adora bursted out laughing. "Are you ever gonna not fall for that?" She said. Catra looked disappointed. "I don't know. Are you ever gonna let it go? That was one time!" Catra said. I mentally sighed in relief that they didn't see me poke my head out. I headed over to the cafeteria, smiling at the event that just happened.

I nibbled at my ration bar and walked to the outskirts of the Fright Zone, where me, Adora and Catra would meet up. We had a clear view of some bits and pieces of Etheria, and we would mostly talk and make jokes with each other. My tail slowly wagged a bit at the thought. But those thoughts were soon interrupted. "Hey, Y/n~" A voice behind me said. I quickly turned my head and saw Catra walking towards me, with Adora following close behind. "Hey, Catra. Hey, Adora." I grinned. They sat on either side of me, and Catra's tail wrapped around me. I will never forget why.

I was sitting on the ledge at the outskirts of the Fright Zone, and I was tapping my tail against the ground. Apparently, it was loud enough so that I didn't hear the set of footsteps behind me.

"Boo!" I was startled by the sudden sound. "AHHHHH!-" I jumped off of the ledge in fear, and squeezed my eyes shut.

(the end. no im kidding)

I felt somebody grab my shirt before I fell. I was brought back to solid ground before I looked up and saw Catra with a frightened expression, and Adora with an even more frightened look on her face. "What the hell, guys?!" I shouted. "Sorry, I didn't think you were still that jumpy after all these years!" Catra apologized. I sighed. "That's fine. It's partly my fault." I reassured her. "No, it's not. It's neither of your faults, Catra didn't know and you were just startled. It's okay." Adora butted in.

(Flashback end)

I looked down at the very few trees around the Fright Zone. "Hey, guys?" I asked. "Yeah?" Catra said. "What would you do if... hypothetically... I were to jump down there? Like on purpose?" I blurted out. "If I were there, I would catch you. If I weren't, I would probably be depressed." Catra replied. "Yeah, what she said." Adora said. My ears went flat against my head. They would do that? Huh...

I guess they're gonna have to catch me someday.

(A/N) okay remember the stuff I put in the last chapter?




adjective: suicidal

deeply unhappy or depressed and likely to commit suicide.

"far from being suicidal, he was clearly enjoying life"

relating to or likely to lead to suicide."two weeks later I was admitted for depression and suicidal tendencies"

As well as this part of the song

So high up, I'm near divine.
Lean in, let go. I feel fear for the very last time.

Well that was referencing this chapter.

Anyways, goodbye.

(edited 7/20/2021. 1320 words)

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